Welcome to the Realtek Zephyr SDK guide.
This guide will instruct you on how to develop Zephyr applications with Realtek’s Bee SoCs.
The currently supported Realtek Bee SoC series for Zephyr include the following:
- RTL87x2G
Realtek Zephyr SDK contains three Github Repositories:
zephyr: forked from zephyrproject and contains Realtek's realization.
hal_realtek: hal module of Realtek's SoC.
realtek-zephyr-project: contains Realtek's applications developed based on zephyr.
All the repositories can be fetched from Realtek's github organization: https://github.com/rtkconnectivity.
For the detailed description about the RTL87x2G's hardware development environment, please reference to RTL87x2G's Hardware Development Environment.
Since zephyr's original commands (west flash & west debug) are relying on the J-link, so it is important to setup J-link correctly.
First of all, download the J-Link from the link: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink. Make sure the version is between 6.18 and 7.50. Version 7.50 is highly recommended.
Second, go to the local J-Link installation directory. Typically, the installation directory is located at:
Window: C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink
MacOS: ~/Applications/SEGGER/JLink_VXXX
Then do these two steps:
Under the directory \Devices, create two levels of folders named Realtek\RTL87X2G, and place the RTL87X2G_FLASH.FLM and RTL87X2G.JLinkScript under the RTL87X2G folder. The RTL87X2G_FLASH.FLM and RTL87X2G.JLinkScript files can be obtained from the J-link-Settings_RTL87X2G.zip archive.
Add the information for RTL87x2G to the JLinkDevices.xml file located in the J-Link installation directory. You can directly copy and paste the code block provided below:
\<ChipInfo Vendor=\"Realtek\" Name=\"RTL87X2G\"
Core=\"JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M33\" WorkRAMAddr=\"0x00130000\"
JLinkScriptFile=\"Devices/Realtek/RTL87X2G/RTL87X2G.JLinkScript\" /\>
\<FlashBankInfo Name=\"QSPI Flash\" BaseAddr=\"0x04000000\"
MaxSize=\"0x100000\" Loader=\"Devices/Realtek/RTL87X2G/
AlwaysPresent=\"1\" /\>
The J-Link connection methods for EVB model A and B are shown in the below.
J-Link Connection with EVB model A SWD interface
J-Link Connection with EVB model B SWD interface
Zephyr supports command-line development environment on Ubuntu, macOS and Windows. This chapter will introduce how to get started quickly with command-line using Realtek's evaluation board. Specifically, this chapter includes:
How to set-up the zephyr command-line development environment on your host machine.
How to cross-compile and generate the zephyr binary image.
How to download images into Realtek's evaluation board and test if you are running to the zephyr application.
Please refer to Install dependencies. Make sure you have installed all the dependencies:
Tool | Min. Version |
CMake | 3.20.5 |
Python | 3.8 |
Devicetree compiler | 1.4.6 |
Ninja | / |
Gperf | / |
Git | / |
wget | / |
7zip | / |
Most of the steps in this section can be referenced from the Get Zephyr and install Python dependencies except the step "Get the Zephyr source code". Please use the following instructions instead of the steps on "Get the Zephyr source code" in the zephyr official getting-started guide.
west init -m https://github.com/rtkconnectivity/realtek-zephyr-project
cd zephyr-rtk-project
west update
MacOS & Ubuntu:
west init -m https://github.com/rtkconnectivity/realtek-zephyr-project ~/zephyr-rtk-project
cd ~/zephyr-rtk-project
west update
The difference is that you fetch the Realtek Zephyr Package, instead of the official Zephyr Package.
The Zephyr Software Development Kit (SDK) contains toolchains for each of Zephyr's supported architectures, which include a compiler, assembler, linker and other programs required to build Zephyr applications. Follow the instructions in Install the Zephyr SDK to install the toolchain.
Realtek Zephyr SDK uses Kconfig system to manage the configurations among the drivers, applications, and kernel operation system.
The default configuration file defines the default properties of the board target. All the default configuration files are placed in /boards folder:
Targets | Location |
rtl8762gn_evb | boards\arm\rtl8762gn_evb\rtl8762gn_evb_defconfig |
To demonstrate the configuration and build process, we take rtl8762gn_evb and hello_world application for example. Please locate you current directory to /zephyr-rtk-project/zephyr, and then run this:
west build -b rtl8762gn_evb samples/hello_world
Then, the target files zephyr.bin & zephyr.hex will be generated in build/zephyr folder.
Optionally, if you want to customize your own configurations, run this to activate the menuconfig.
west build -b rtl8762gn_evb -t menuconfig samples/hello_world
The UI of zephyr menuconfig
After configuring, you could save the configuration, exit and then run:
west build
The target files will be generated based on your own configurations.
Before burning the zephyr image into flash, you need to burn five essential images to make RTL87x2G work normally.
Image | Function |
System Config file | It records information about hardware configuration and Bluetooth configuration, such as configure |
OTA Header File | It defines flash Bank layout, which is generated by MPTool. |
Boot Patch Image | Entries to patch functions are retained in ROM code, so original behavior of secure ROM code can be modified or extended by patch. |
System Patch Image | Entries to patch functions are retained in ROM code, so original behavior of non-secure ROM code can be modified or extended by patch. |
BT Stack Patch Image | It can expand ROM code functions through patches and add support for stack-related features in BT Controller. |
For Windows Users, MPTool developed by Realtek is recommended to download these essential images. Please refer to Section 3.5.1, RTL87x2G Quick Start User Guide or RTL87x2x MP Tool User Guide for instructions on how to use the MPTool.
For Mac/Ubuntu Users, MPCLI Tool developed by Realtek is recommended to download these essential images. Please refer to MPCLI Tool User Guide for instructions on how to use the MPCLI Tool.
To enter download mode for EVB model B, press log key and download mode key together and then press reset key. After download, both keys need to be pressed again and bounce back to enter normal mode.
Enter Download Mode for MPTool/MPCLI Tool
For further download guide, please refer to Images download, RTL87x2G Quick Start.
For zephyr image, we recommend to use "west flash" command. "west flash" is a built-in command in zephyr. To use "west flash", you need to configure J-Link and connect the CPU to J-Link. Please refer to J-Link Setup.
Make sure you have correctly configured J-link and connected CPU with J-Link. Then, you can use the command to flash your zephyr image to the flash.
west flash
To view the log printed by zephyr, Connect P3_2 (TX of UART2) to the RX of the RS232 module and connect P3_3 (RX of UART2) to the TX of the RS232 module. Open a serial communication tool that you are familiar with and set the baud rate of the port where the RS232 module is connected to 2000000.
Press the reset key, then you will see:
\*\*\* Booting Zephyr OS build f51143ae0f6d \*\*\*
Hello World! rtl8762gn_evb
If you see these logs, then congratulations!
From a Zephyr build directory, to attach a debugger to your board and open up a GDB session, please type this in the command-line:
west debug
Note that the only supported debug runner for RTL87x2G series SoC is J-link. Make sure your J-link environment has been set up correctly. Please refer to J-Link Setup.
The core dump module enables dumping the CPU registers and memory content for offline debugging. This module is called when a fatal error is encountered and prints or stores data according to which backends are enabled. For the guide of this debugging method, please refer to the link:
When fetching the GitHub repo with "west update", the following error might occur:
error: 1167 bytes of body are still expected5 MiB \| 349.00 KiB/s
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 128: fetch -f \--tags \--
https://github.com/rtkconnectivity/zephyr realtek-main-v3.5.0
The reason is that when fetching a large GitHub repo, using an HTTP URL may result in timeouts and disconnections. You can resolve this issue by modifying the url-base from HTTP to SSH in manifest file. You can try to change the url-base in %your_work_space%/realtek-zephyr-project/west.yml
url-base: https://github.com/rtkconnectivity
url-base: [email protected]:rtkconnectivity
In addition to the aforementioned modification, you will also need a GitHub account and have your SSH public key set up on the GitHub website in order to pull GitHub repos using SSH. Please refer to Github SSH Setting Guide.