I'm a young full stack developer who is looking for an opportunity to gain new skills. Just after school i joined a highly-selective sixteen week coding bootcamp called Founders & Coders, I recently graduated and started mentoring and already working on projects.
Languages: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (also ES6), Node.js, SQL, Tachyons.
Testing:Tape, Istanbul, Supertest, CodeCov.
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Mongoose.
Frameworks: Hapi, Express.
Other skills: Git/Github, Gerrit, Heroku, Handlebars, React+Redux, Angular 2, Travis CI.
A project that was funded by the United Kingdom Isreali Tech Hub (UKITH), A web application to make Arabs startups more accessible for Investors and to enhance interest in the Arab Hi-tech scene.
I used the following technologies:
- HTML5 + Tachyons
- Javascript
- Express
- Mongodb + Mongoose
- Tape + Supertest + Istanbul
Nazareth Nuggets is a platform for people to discover new things about Nazareth, and to contribute information for others to see.
- HTML5 + CSS3
- Javascript
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- AWS S3
- Tape + linter + Supertest + Istanbul
Park and Sleep helps tourists navigate unconventional cities like Nazareth. Also this app was built using React library + Redux. Prototype
- React
- Express
- MongoDB
- Webpack + Babel + Axios