Instruction for spin VM and destroy:
- Install vagrant
- Install virtualbox
- Run 'vagrant up [ubuntu|fedora|stage]'
- Run 'vagrant ssh [ubuntu|fedora|stage]'
- In the end of work, logout from the machine
- Run 'vagrant destroy -f [ubuntu|fedora|stage]'
#Choosing OS
- For fedora OS run 'vagrant up fedora'
- For ubuntu OS run 'vagrant up ubuntu'
- When you ssh into machine specify the name of the machine [ubuntu|fedora|stage]'
- When you destroy -f machine [ubuntu|fedora|stage]
- Ask questions in the Slack group.
- Scroll any command at the Git Guide and learn how to use it.
- Edit the 'MYSQL_SCRIPT' section in the '' file using your favorite editor.
- Add the corresponding SQL command after the 'USE tiger' command.
- Don't forget to save your changes with :wq!
- Go to your AWS console -> EC2 -> Key pairs -> Create key pair
- Name: tiger + File format: pem
- Move the file from Downloads to ~/.ssh
- Windows users please address the additional steps before you countine
- run 'vagrant up aws'
- run those commands- vagrant plugin install --plugin-version 1.0.1 fog-ovirt vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
#Static files: All the static files such as: CSS, Images need to be locate in: tiger/static Html files need to be locate in: tiger/templates