When benchmarking a Pub/Sub Systems, we specifically require two distinct roles ( publishers and subscribers ) as benchmark participants - this repo contains code to mimic the subscriber workload on Redis Pub/Sub.
Several aspects can dictate the overall system performance, like the:
- Payload size (controlled on publisher)
- Number of Pub/Sub channels (controlled on publisher)
- Total message traffic per channel (controlled on publisher)
- Number of subscribers per channel (controlled on subscriber)
- Subscriber distribution per shard and channel (controlled on subscriber)
If you don't have go on your machine and just want to use the produced binaries you can download the following prebuilt bins:
OS | Arch | Link |
Linux | amd64 (64-bit X86) | pubsub-sub-bench-linux-amd64 |
Linux | arm64 (64-bit ARM) | pubsub-sub-bench-linux-arm64 |
Darwin | amd64 (64-bit X86) | pubsub-sub-bench-darwin-amd64 |
Darwin | arm64 (64-bit ARM) | pubsub-sub-bench-darwin-arm64 |
Here's how bash script to download and try it:
wget -c https://github.com/redis-performance/pubsub-sub-bench/releases/latest/download/pubsub-sub-bench-$(uname -mrs | awk '{ print tolower($1) }')-$(dpkg --print-architecture).tar.gz -O - | tar -xz
# give it a try
./pubsub-sub-bench --help
To install the benchmark utility with a Go Env do as follow:
go get
and then go install
# Fetch this repo
go get github.com/redis-performance/pubsub-sub-bench
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/redis-performance/pubsub-sub-bench
Usage of ./pubsub-sub-bench:
-a string
Password for Redis Auth.
-channel-maximum int
channel ID maximum value ( each channel has a dedicated thread ). (default 100)
-channel-minimum int
channel ID minimum value ( each channel has a dedicated thread ). (default 1)
-client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub string
Specify client output buffer limits for clients subscribed to at least one pubsub channel or pattern. If the value specified is different that the one present on the DB, this setting will apply.
-client-update-tick int
client update tick. (default 1)
-clients int
Number of parallel connections. (default 50)
-cpuprofile string
write cpu profile to file
-host string
redis host. (default "")
-json-out-file string
Name of json output file, if not set, will not print to json.
-max-number-channels-per-subscriber int
max number of channels to subscribe to, per connection. (default 1)
-max-reconnect-interval int
max reconnect interval. if 0 disable (s)unsubscribe/(s)ubscribe.
-messages int
Number of total messages per subscriber per channel.
-min-number-channels-per-subscriber int
min number of channels to subscribe to, per connection. (default 1)
-min-reconnect-interval int
min reconnect interval. if 0 disable (s)unsubscribe/(s)ubscribe.
-mode string
Subscribe mode. Either 'subscribe' or 'ssubscribe'. (default "subscribe")
read cluster slots and distribute subscribers among them.
-pool_size int
Maximum number of socket connections per node.
-port string
redis port. (default "6379")
print messages.
-rand-seed int
Random deterministic seed. (default 12345)
-redis-timeout duration
determines the timeout to pass to redis connection setup. It adjust the connection, read, and write timeouts. (default 30s)
-resp int
redis command response protocol (2 - RESP 2, 3 - RESP 3) (default 2)
-subscriber-prefix string
prefix for subscribing to channel, used in conjunction with key-minimum and key-maximum. (default "channel-")
-subscribers-per-channel int
number of subscribers per channel. (default 1)
-subscribers-placement-per-channel string
(dense,sparse) dense - Place all subscribers to channel in a specific shard. sparse- spread the subscribers across as many shards possible, in a round-robin manner. (default "dense")
-test-time int
Number of seconds to run the test, after receiving the first message.
-user string
Used to send ACL style 'AUTH username pass'. Needs -a.
verbose print.
print version and exit.
./pubsub-sub-bench --clients 10 --channel-maximum 2000 --channel-minimum 1 -min-number-channels-per-subscriber 2000 -max-number-channels-per-subscriber 2000
memtier_benchmark --key-prefix "channel-" --key-maximum 2000 --key-minimum 1 --command "PUBLISH __key__ __data__" --test-time 60 --pipeline 10