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Added CSC hits/evicts counter (#35)
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* Included CSC docs with examples

* Added more context for CSC invalidation

* Added CSC hits/evicts counter
  • Loading branch information
filipecosta90 authored Oct 30, 2023
1 parent a653bbf commit 820ad17
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Showing 4 changed files with 161 additions and 16 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions cli.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ func prepareCommandsDistribution(queries arrayStringParameters, cmds [][]string,
totalDifferentCommands = len(cmds)
var totalRateSum = 0.0
var err error
if len(benchmarkCommandsRatios) == 0 {
for i, _ := range queries {
cmdRates[i] = 1.0 / float64(len(queries))
for i, rawCmdString := range queries {
cmds[i], _ = shellwords.Parse(rawCmdString)
if i >= len(benchmarkCommandsRatios) {
cmdRates[i] = 1

} else {
if i < len(benchmarkCommandsRatios) {
cmdRates[i], err = strconv.ParseFloat(benchmarkCommandsRatios[i], 64)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while converting query-rate param %s: %v", benchmarkCommandsRatios[i], err)
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions common.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ import (

var totalCommands uint64
var totalCached uint64
var totalErrors uint64
var totalCachedInvalidations uint64
var latencies *hdrhistogram.Histogram
var latenciesTick *hdrhistogram.Histogram
var benchmarkCommands arrayStringParameters
var benchmarkCommandsRatios arrayStringParameters

var cscInvalidationMutex sync.Mutex

const Inf = rate.Limit(math.MaxFloat64)
const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"

Expand Down
69 changes: 57 additions & 12 deletions redis-bechmark-go.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,13 +157,25 @@ func sendCmdLogicRadix(conn Client, newCmdS []string, enableMultiExec bool, key
datapointsChan <- datapoint{!(err != nil), duration.Microseconds(), cacheHit}

func onInvalidations(messages []rueidis.RedisMessage) {
if messages != nil {
for range messages {


func main() {
host := flag.String("h", "", "Server hostname.")
port := flag.Int("p", 12000, "Server port.")
rps := flag.Int64("rps", 0, "Max rps. If 0 no limit is applied and the DB is stressed up to maximum.")
rpsburst := flag.Int64("rps-burst", 0, "Max rps burst. If 0 the allowed burst will be the ammount of clients.")
username := flag.String("u", "", "Username for Redis Auth.")
password := flag.String("a", "", "Password for Redis Auth.")
jsonOutFile := flag.String("json-out-file", "", "Results file. If empty will not save.")
seed := flag.Int64("random-seed", 12345, "random seed to be used.")
clients := flag.Uint64("c", 50, "number of clients.")
keyspacelen := flag.Uint64("r", 1000000, "keyspace length. The benchmark will expand the string __key__ inside an argument with a number in the specified range from 0 to keyspacelen-1. The substitution changes every time a command is executed.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,6 +260,7 @@ func main() {
samplesPerClient := *numberRequests / *clients
client_update_tick := 1
latencies = hdrhistogram.New(1, 90000000, 3)
latenciesTick = hdrhistogram.New(1, 90000000, 3)
opts := radix.Dialer{}
if *password != "" {
opts.AuthPass = *password
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,6 +323,10 @@ func main() {
cmd := make([]string, len(args))
copy(cmd, args)
if *cscEnabled || *useRuedis {
var invalidationFunction func([]rueidis.RedisMessage) = nil
if *cscEnabled {
invalidationFunction = onInvalidations
clientOptions := rueidis.ClientOption{
InitAddress: []string{connectionStr},
Username: *username,
Expand All @@ -323,6 +340,7 @@ func main() {
ReadBufferEachConn: 1024,
WriteBufferEachConn: 1024,
CacheSizeEachConn: *cscSizeBytes,
OnInvalidations: invalidationFunction,
clientOptions.Dialer.KeepAlive = *clientKeepAlive
ruedisClient, err = rueidis.NewClient(clientOptions)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,8 +368,10 @@ func main() {
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

tick := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(client_update_tick) * time.Second)
closed, _, duration, totalMessages, _ := updateCLI(tick, c, *numberRequests, *loop, datapointsChan)
messageRate := float64(totalMessages) / float64(duration.Seconds())
closed, startT, endT, duration, _, _, _, messageRateTs, cacheRateTs, cacheInvalidationsTs, percentilesTs := updateCLI(tick, c, *numberRequests, *loop, datapointsChan, int(*clients))
messageRate := float64(totalCommands) / float64(duration.Seconds())
CSCHitRate := float64(totalCached) / float64(duration.Seconds())
CSCInvalidationRate := float64(totalCachedInvalidations) / float64(duration.Seconds())
avgMs := float64(latencies.Mean()) / 1000.0
p50IngestionMs := float64(latencies.ValueAtQuantile(50.0)) / 1000.0
p95IngestionMs := float64(latencies.ValueAtQuantile(95.0)) / 1000.0
Expand All @@ -362,10 +382,22 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("Total Duration %.3f Seconds\n", duration.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("Total Errors %d\n", totalErrors)
fmt.Printf("Throughput summary: %.0f requests per second\n", messageRate)
fmt.Printf(" %.0f CSC Hits per second\n", CSCHitRate)
fmt.Printf(" %.0f CSC Evicts per second\n", CSCInvalidationRate)
fmt.Printf("Latency summary (msec):\n")
fmt.Printf(" %9s %9s %9s %9s\n", "avg", "p50", "p95", "p99")
fmt.Printf(" %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", avgMs, p50IngestionMs, p95IngestionMs, p99IngestionMs)

testResult := NewTestResult("", uint(*clients), 0)
testResult.FillDurationInfo(startT, endT, duration)
testResult.OverallClientLatencies = percentilesTs
testResult.OverallCommandRate = messageRateTs
testResult.OverallCSCHitRate = cacheRateTs
testResult.OverallCSCInvalidationRate = cacheInvalidationsTs
_, overallLatencies := generateLatenciesMap(latencies, duration)
testResult.Totals = overallLatencies
saveJsonResult(testResult, *jsonOutFile)

if closed {
Expand All @@ -378,21 +410,27 @@ func main() {

func updateCLI(tick *time.Ticker, c chan os.Signal, message_limit uint64, loop bool, datapointsChan chan datapoint) (bool, time.Time, time.Duration, uint64, []float64) {
func updateCLI(tick *time.Ticker, c chan os.Signal, message_limit uint64, loop bool, datapointsChan chan datapoint, totalClients int) (bool, time.Time, time.Time, time.Duration, uint64, uint64, uint64, []float64, []float64, []float64, []map[string]float64) {
var currentErr uint64 = 0
var currentCount uint64 = 0
var currentCachedCount uint64 = 0
start := time.Now()
prevTime := time.Now()
prevMessageCount := uint64(0)
prevMessageCached := uint64(0)
previousCachedInvalidations := uint64(0)
messageRateTs := []float64{}
cacheRateTs := []float64{}
cacheInvalidationsTs := []float64{}
percentilesTs := []map[string]float64{}
var dp datapoint
fmt.Printf("%26s %7s %25s %25s %7s %25s %25s %7s %25s\n", "Test time", " ", "Total Commands", "Total Errors", "", "Command Rate", "Client Cache Hits", "", "p50 lat. (msec)")
fmt.Printf("%26s %7s %25s %25s %7s %25s %25s %25s %25s\n", "Test time", " ", "Total Commands", "Total Errors", "", "Command Rate", "CSC Hits/sec", "CSC Invalidations/sec", "p50 lat. (msec)")
for {
select {
case dp = <-datapointsChan:
if !dp.success {
Expand All @@ -412,41 +450,48 @@ func updateCLI(tick *time.Ticker, c chan os.Signal, message_limit uint64, loop b
now := time.Now()
took := now.Sub(prevTime)
messageRate := float64(totalCommands-prevMessageCount) / float64(took.Seconds())
InvalidationMessageRate := float64(totalCachedInvalidations-previousCachedInvalidations) / float64(took.Seconds())
CacheHitRate := float64(totalCached-prevMessageCached) / float64(took.Seconds())
completionPercentStr := "[----%]"
if !loop {
completionPercent := float64(totalCommands) / float64(message_limit) * 100.0
completionPercentStr = fmt.Sprintf("[%3.1f%%]", completionPercent)
errorPercent := float64(totalErrors) / float64(totalCommands) * 100.0
cachedPercent := 0.0
if totalCached > 0 {
cachedPercent = float64(totalCached) / float64(totalCommands) * 100.0

p50 := float64(latencies.ValueAtQuantile(50.0)) / 1000.0

if prevMessageCount == 0 && totalCommands != 0 {
start = time.Now()
if totalCommands != 0 {
messageRateTs = append(messageRateTs, messageRate)
cacheRateTs = append(cacheRateTs, CacheHitRate)
cacheInvalidationsTs = append(cacheInvalidationsTs, InvalidationMessageRate)
_, perTickLatencies := generateLatenciesMap(latenciesTick, took)
percentilesTs = append(percentilesTs, perTickLatencies)

prevMessageCount = totalCommands
prevMessageCached = totalCached
previousCachedInvalidations = totalCachedInvalidations
prevTime = now

fmt.Printf("%25.0fs %s %25d %25d [%3.1f%%] %25.0f %25d [%3.1f%%] %25.3f\t", time.Since(start).Seconds(), completionPercentStr, totalCommands, totalErrors, errorPercent, messageRate, totalCached, cachedPercent, p50)
fmt.Printf("%25.0fs %s %25d %25d [%3.1f%%] %25.0f %25.0f %25.0f %25.3f\t", time.Since(start).Seconds(), completionPercentStr, totalCommands, totalErrors, errorPercent, messageRate, CacheHitRate, InvalidationMessageRate, p50)
if message_limit > 0 && totalCommands >= uint64(message_limit) && !loop {
return true, start, time.Since(start), totalCommands, messageRateTs
end := time.Now()
return true, start, end, time.Since(start), totalCommands, totalCached, totalErrors, messageRateTs, cacheRateTs, cacheInvalidationsTs, percentilesTs


case <-c:
fmt.Println("\nreceived Ctrl-c - shutting down")
return true, start, time.Since(start), totalCommands, messageRateTs
end := time.Now()
return true, start, end, time.Since(start), totalCommands, totalCached, totalErrors, messageRateTs, cacheRateTs, cacheInvalidationsTs, percentilesTs
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test_result.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package main

import (

const resultFormatVersion = "0.0.1"

type TestResult struct {

// Test Configs
resultFormatVersion string `json:"ResultFormatVersion"`
Metadata string `json:"Metadata"`
Clients uint `json:"Clients"`
MaxRps uint64 `json:"MaxRps"`
RandomSeed int64 `json:"RandomSeed"`

StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"`
EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"`
DurationMillis int64 `json:"DurationMillis"`

// Populated after benchmark
// Benchmark Totals
Totals map[string]float64 `json:"Totals"`

// Overall Rates
OverallCommandRate []float64 `json:"OverallCommandRate"`
OverallCSCHitRate []float64 `json:"OverallCSCHitRate"`
OverallCSCInvalidationRate []float64 `json:"OverallCSCInvalidationRate"`

// Overall Client Quantiles
OverallClientLatencies []map[string]float64 `json:"OverallClientLatencies"`

func NewTestResult(metadata string, clients uint, maxRps uint64) *TestResult {
return &TestResult{resultFormatVersion: resultFormatVersion, Metadata: metadata, Clients: clients, MaxRps: maxRps}

func (r *TestResult) SetUsedRandomSeed(seed int64) *TestResult {
r.RandomSeed = seed
return r

func (r *TestResult) FillDurationInfo(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time, duration time.Duration) {
r.StartTime = startTime.UTC().UnixNano() / 1000000
r.EndTime = endTime.UTC().UnixNano() / 1000000
r.DurationMillis = duration.Milliseconds()

func saveJsonResult(testResult *TestResult, jsonOutputFile string) {
if jsonOutputFile != "" {
file, err := json.MarshalIndent(testResult, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Saving JSON results file to %s\n", jsonOutputFile)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(jsonOutputFile, file, 0644)
if err != nil {

func calculateRateMetrics(current, prev int64, took time.Duration) (rate float64) {
rate = float64(current-prev) / float64(took.Seconds())

func generateLatenciesMap(hist *hdrhistogram.Histogram, tick time.Duration) (int64, map[string]float64) {
ops := hist.TotalCount()
percentilesTrack := []float64{0.0, 50.0, 95.0, 99.0, 99.9, 100.0}
q0 := 0.0
q50 := 0.0
q95 := 0.0
q99 := 0.0
q999 := 0.0
q100 := 0.0
if ops > 0 {
percentilesMap := hist.ValueAtPercentiles(percentilesTrack)
q0 = float64(percentilesMap[0.0]) / 10e2
q50 = float64(percentilesMap[50.0]) / 10e2
q95 = float64(percentilesMap[95.0]) / 10e2
q99 = float64(percentilesMap[99.0]) / 10e2
q999 = float64(percentilesMap[99.9]) / 10e2
q100 = float64(percentilesMap[100.0]) / 10e2
mp := map[string]float64{"q0": q0, "q50": q50, "q95": q95, "q99": q99, "q999": q999, "q100": q100, "ops/sec": float64(ops) / tick.Seconds()}
return ops, mp

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