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Running a prediction server with Ark

Jacob Silterra edited this page May 15, 2024 · 4 revisions

A quick way to get started is to use our published Docker container. This container runs a simple web server to receive and process images, and return predictions. See Ark for more information.

If desired, one can run Ark outside of a container. We strongly recommend using an isolated Python environment, using conda or the built-in venv.

The environment must have:

  • Python 3.8
  • git

One could create an isolated conda environment with:

conda create -n sybil python=3.8 pip
conda activate sybil

Preparation and Installation

Install Sybil

# As of this writing, v1.2.0 is the latest tag.
# See for the latest tags
pip install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check \
    --find-links git+[email protected]
# Optionally download the Sybil repository
# git clone

# Verify that the sybil python package has been installed, and download published models
python -c "from sybil import Sybil; model = Sybil('sybil_ensemble')"

Install ark

# Install ark
git clone
cd ark
# As of this writing, v0.5.1 is the latest tag.
# See for the latest tags
git checkout v0.5.1
pip install -r requirements.txt

To launch the ark server with no backing model:


This can't be used for prediction but it will verify the software has been installed. One can check that it's running with:

curl http://localhost:5000/info

Launch the Sybil prediction server

# Option 1: Serve with Flask (suitable for testing)
ARK_CONFIG=api/configs/sybil.json python

# Option 2: Serve with gunicorn (better for a production environment)
# ARK_CONFIG=api/configs/sybil.json gunicorn --threads 4 --bind --timeout 0 --access-logfile - "main:create_app()"

Now the server is running on the machine. For sample data and a test prediction, we follow the same steps as in the docker-based instructions:

# Check server is running, get version
curl http://localhost:5000/info

# Download and unzip zip file with scripts
curl -L -o ""
tar -xf

# Download example data
curl -L -o ""
tar -xf

# Submit images for prediction
# Mac/Linx
./ sybil_demo_data