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HardhatChad committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 7606689 commit c0ac027
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 6 deletions.
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions src/components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,19 +6,25 @@ pub struct IconProps<'a> {
pub solid: Option<bool>,

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d: "M0.279729 192.083C-0.0932429 191.71 -0.0932429 191.105 0.279729 190.732L28.4516 162.56C28.7938 162.218 28.8414 161.68 28.5687 161.28C18.1262 145.969 12.0208 127.463 12.0208 107.532C12.0208 54.7824 54.7823 12.0209 107.531 12.0209C127.463 12.0209 145.969 18.1262 161.28 28.569C161.68 28.8417 162.218 28.7941 162.56 28.4519L190.732 0.279816C191.105 -0.0932721 191.71 -0.0932721 192.083 0.279816L215.72 23.9178C216.093 24.2908 216.093 24.8953 215.72 25.2683L187.365 53.6242C187.026 53.9626 186.975 54.493 187.239 54.8921C197.227 69.9845 203.042 88.0792 203.042 107.532C203.042 160.281 160.28 203.042 107.531 203.042C88.0788 203.042 69.9844 197.226 54.8921 187.24C54.4929 186.976 53.9625 187.026 53.6241 187.365L25.2681 215.721C24.8952 216.094 24.2904 216.094 23.9174 215.721L0.279729 192.083ZM107.531 167.703C97.5942 167.703 88.2198 165.294 79.96 161.029C69.2678 155.507 60.4434 146.875 54.6844 136.327C50.0141 127.774 47.3597 117.963 47.3597 107.532C47.3597 74.2996 74.2995 47.3598 107.531 47.3598C117.963 47.3598 127.774 50.0144 136.327 54.6845C146.874 60.4431 155.507 69.2685 161.029 79.9603C165.294 88.2205 167.703 97.5943 167.703 107.532C167.703 140.763 140.763 167.703 107.531 167.703Z"
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,16 +420,16 @@ pub fn OreLogoIcon<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, IconProps<'a>>) -> Element {
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d: "M282.189 111.552V30.4483H319.034C334.675 30.4483 347.767 41.8028 347.767 58.8345C347.767 70.5945 341.685 79.6897 332.589 84.2662L350.78 111.552H325.985L312.429 89.3062H304.087V111.552H282.189ZM314.863 50.4924H304.087V69.4938H314.863C322.394 69.4938 326.217 65.5545 326.217 59.8772C326.217 54.2 322.394 50.4924 314.863 50.4924Z"
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d: "M232.166 113C206.248 113 190.166 92.7479 190.166 71C190.166 49.2521 206.248 29 232.166 29C258.083 29 274.166 49.2521 274.166 71C274.166 92.7479 258.083 113 232.166 113ZM232.166 91.8274C244.546 91.8274 252.182 81.9315 252.182 71C252.182 60.0685 244.546 50.1726 232.166 50.1726C219.785 50.1726 212.149 60.0685 212.149 71C212.149 81.9315 219.785 91.8274 232.166 91.8274Z"
d: "M232 113C206.083 113 190 92.7479 190 71C190 49.2521 206.083 29 232 29C257.917 29 274 49.2521 274 71C274 92.7479 257.917 113 232 113ZM232 91.8274C244.38 91.8274 252.017 81.9315 252.017 71C252.017 60.0685 244.38 50.1726 232 50.1726C219.62 50.1726 211.983 60.0685 211.983 71C211.983 81.9315 219.62 91.8274 232 91.8274Z"
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