Preperation for 2024 PFT Summit: Software Development Workflows --> done
Tutorial Requirements
All steps need to be completed prior to the start of the tutorial held during the Summit. Ensure you have all Required Products installed before getting started.
Note: This tutorial is built for Windows onlyGetting Started
Create a GitHub account ( using your MathWorks email. Click on your photo up in the right hand corner. Click Settings. On the left hands side, click Emails. If the option exists, ensure that the GitHub email setting Block command line pushes that expose my email is not enabled.
Fork this repo ( into your own account
Save the URL of this forked repo (e.g., for later.
Start MATLAB R2024a. Create a new folder in the
Current Folder
of MATLAB, name it Test and change the MATLAB directory to it. Right click and select Source Control > Manage Files...Change Repository path to your forked repo (e.g.,
Click Retrieve. MATLAB may prompt you for your GitHub account email and password. Enter it and clone the repo.
From within MATLAB, make a small edit to this README file in your cloned repo.
From within MATLAB, commit the change. Right click on Click Source Control > View and Commit Changes...
Enter a Comment and then click Commit.
From within MATLAB, push the change. Right click on Click Source Control > Push
A pop-up window in a browser will prompt you for your username and password for GitHub. After entering them, MATLAB will store it. If your GitHub account was set some time ago, you may get a notice that your username and password are mismatched. Replace your password with a token, following these steps:
Click on your photo up in the right hand corner. Click Settings
On the left hand side, click Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic). Click Generate new token > Generate new token (classic)
Reauthenticate your GitHub account with your username and generated token. Alternatively, you can store your credetials in a Git credential helper (e.g., Git Credential Manager Core).