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Releases: remlapmot/OneSampleMR

OneSampleMR 0.1.5

26 Jun 18:53
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  • Replaced dots checking with rlang instead of the ellipsis package (thanks @olivroy).

OneSampleMR 0.1.4

13 Jun 14:49
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  • Add CITATION file

  • Tweak formatting of code in helpfile examples and vignettes

  • Add subsection to README about GNU Fortran requirement for old versions of the gmm package on macOS

  • Bumped the minimum required version of R to be 4.1.0. This is because of the same requirement in pbkrtest, which is a dependency of car which is a dependency of ivreg

  • Bumped version of roxygen2 used to create the package documentation

  • Made use of ellipsis ... in several function definitions safer using the ellipsis package

  • Bumped required version of R to 4.3.0 because the Matrix package, which is a dependency of ivreg now requires R 4.4.0. CRAN retain a binary version of Matrix 1.6-5 for the previous release of R, and so the minimum version of R can be 4.3.0 rather than 4.4.0.

OneSampleMR 0.1.3

03 May 17:25
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  • Update roxygen2 version used to generate documentation
  • Reduce the number of functions imported from other packages

OneSampleMR 0.1.2

11 May 09:37
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  • Make use of packages in Suggests list conditional on their availability
  • Remove ivtools from Suggests due to the current failure of its ahaz dependency package to build on 4 of the CRAN Linux sub-architectures
  • Remove AER from Suggest due to only being used in one helpfile link which has been deleted

OneSampleMR 0.1.1

28 Apr 16:14
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Minor fix for an R CMD check note under R 4.2.0.

OneSampleMR 0.1.0

12 Nov 12:28
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  • First release on CRAN
  • The CRAN page is here