Stolen from This is purely for my own use, watch @overtone + @meta-ex + @samaaron for the proper extraction of this lib. It will be miles better than this.
Monome-serial is taken from my own locally installed snapshot:
This adds support for multiple Monome protocols.
Stolen from the masterful Meta-ex
(use 'monome.core)
(use '
(require '[monome.fonome :as fon])
(require '[monome.polynome :as poly])
(require '[monome.kit.sampler :as samp])
(def samples-g (group "samples"))
(def m128 (find-monome "/dev/tty.usbserial-m0000965"))
(defonce trigger-samples [(sample (freesound-path 86773)) (sample (freesound-path 77305))])
(defonce trigger-sampler128 (samp/mk-sampler ::trigger-sampler128 trigger-samples samples-g 0 16))
;;Dock trigger-sampler to 0x0 position on grid
(defonce __dock_trigger__ (poly/dock-fonome! m128
(:fonome trigger-sampler128)
0 0))