Stndrd is an extendable JS lib that helps you standardize currency, clothing sizing, and country codes. In the even of a standarization fails, Stndrd will return the original input.
npm i
var stndrd = require('stndrd');
The countries method returns an array of ISO country codes or names depending on an optional filter string you pass it. Defaults to returning the countries' ISO code.
stndrd.countries('united states, canada', 'code');
// returns ['US', 'CA']
stndrd.countries('jApAN', 'name');
// returns ['Japan']
// returns ['IN']
// returns ['notACountry'] and will console.warn()
stndrd.countries({foo: bar});
// returns {foo: bar} and will console.warn()
The currency method returns an object of the ISO currency code and an amount integer in pennies. Supported currency symbols include $, £, €, ¥, ₩. Defaults to USD if no currency symbol is provided in the price string.
// returns { currency_code: 'USD', amount: 112300 }
stndrd.currency('₩ 0.95');
// returns { currency_code: 'KRW', amount: 95 }
// returns { currency_code: 'USD', amount: 98765400 }
The size method takes a string value and returns a normalized string. Default sizes handled are 'extra small', 'x small', 'medium', 'large', 'extra large', 'xx large', 'xxx large', 'os', 'n/a', 'one size'. method will pass input through if it's not a string.
// returns 32
// returns 'M'
// returns 'OS'
The shoeSize method takes a string value and returns a normalized string. method will pass input through if it's not a string.
stndrd.shoeSize("Women's 8");
// returns '8W'
// returns '8W'
// returns '8W'
stndrd.shoeSize("Men's 8");
// returns '8'
stndrd.shoeSize('UK 8');
// returns 'UK 8'
// returns '8'
this is a convenience method that returns the apps default settings. These can be changed manually in your app by modifying the stndrd.settings object as you need for your app.
// returns {
defaultCurrency: 'USD',
currencyMap: {
'$': 'USD',
'£': 'GBP',
'€': 'EUR',
'¥': 'JPY',
'₩': 'KRW'
sizeMap: {
'extra small': 'XS',
'x small': 'XS',
'small': 'S',
'medium': 'M',
'large': 'L',
'extra large': 'XL',
'xx large': 'XXL',
'xxx large': 'XXXL',
'os': 'OS',
'n/a': 'OS',
'one size': 'OS'