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Upgrading from Fenrus 0.5.0 and below

John Andrews edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

At this point, if you haven't upgraded to version 1.0 or above (23.08 is latest at time of writing). These instructions may or may not work anymore. And you may have to manually migrate your configuration.

Fenrus was rewritten in .NET from the ground up.

The original version of Fenrus was written in NodeJS.

Due to this change, its not a simple in place upgrade from the previous version, and requires manual steps.

First you must make sure you are on the ":preview" tag of the docker image. This added the ability to export your configuration to a single json file. Without this, you cannot upgrade and would have to reconfigure everything manually.

To get this tag, modify your docker container to use "revenz/fenrus:preview" instead of "revenz/fenrus". This will pull the last node version of the application which is 0.5.0 preview.

1. Export Configuration

First, export your configuration from your older version of Fenrus.

This can be done via the About "Export Configuration" page

Note: If this option is not there, you may need to upgrade to a newer version of Node fenrus. There is a :preview tag which is version 0.5.0. Which is the last version of Node Fenrus.

2. Install New Fenrus

If doing this via docker, create a new docker instance.

If doing this from unRAID, you can change the volume mappings to new directories. This will keep your old configuration safe and let you go back if needed.

3. Initial Configuration

Once new Fenrus is installed and started, you will be taken to the initial configuration page.

To make things easier for the import, create the initial user with the same username as your user from old Fenrus.

Note: If you are using Google OpenID Connect, your username in old Fenrus was your email, in new Fenrus it is your name. So you may need to edit the exported json configuration and rename your user before the import. E.g. [email protected] to Bruce

4. Import Configuration

Once configured, login and go to "System Settings", then import the exported configuration file.

This will import most things from your old Fenrus configuration.


New Fenrus only has one directory that needs to be mapped for docker installs, just


All images are now saved into the LiteDB database and you no longer need to a images directory.