This script changes the macOS Profile, according to the remote server name you are SSHing.
There are two ways to achieve the goal: either
you can have a custom profile for each remote server you usually use
OR you can have a json file with a collection of relations "servername":"profile name", like:
"server":"Red Sands",
"server1":"Custom 1",
"serverX":"Red Sands",
in this way you can use the same profile for more servers.
Clone in your home directory. If you like to save it elsewere, remember to modify the paths!
Make an alias:
alias ssh="~/macOsshcolor/"
You should save it into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc or wherever
Set up your profiles in Terminal/Preferences:
- a Profile for Local connections, named "local"
- another one for generic (or backup) remote: "remote"
- all the other profiles you need.
- copy the json file : sshcolorNames.json.demo in sshcolorNames.json and customize it
The name used for the matches is always the left part of the FQDN
Example: for a connection like ssh [email protected] "myserver42" will be searched. -
If the name does not have an entry in the sshcolorNames.json, then a Profile with the same name is searched
If the server you're connecting to doesn't match with a custom profile or with an entry on the sshcolorNames.json file, the generic one ("remote") will be taken.
This script is inspired by Henry Tseng's one found here: