Table of Contents
An application that can take images as input and identify and extract written text from them. Idea users of this tool includes doctors, healthcare professionals or anyone familiar with the ChRIS project
is a ChRIS ds-type application that takes in images as files
and produces text.
docker run --rm fnndsc/pl-ocr_tool ocr_tool [-h|--help] [--json] [--man] [--meta] [--savejson <DIR>] [-v|--verbosity <level>] [--version] <inputDir> <outputDir>
[-h] [--help] If specified, show help message and exit. [--json] If specified, show json representation of app and exit. [--man] If specified, print (this) man page and exit. [--meta] If specified, print plugin meta data and exit. [--savejson <DIR>] If specified, save json representation file to DIR and exit. [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] Verbosity level for app. Not used currently. [--version] If specified, print version number and exit. [--langdetect] If specified, print lang on image and exit.
Getting inline help is:
docker run --rm fnndsc/pl-ocr_tool ocr_tool --man
You need to specify input and output directories using the -v flag to docker run.
docker run --rm -u $(id -u) \
-v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing \
fnndsc/pl-ocr_tool ocr_tool \
/incoming /outgoing
Build the Docker container:
docker build -t local/pl-ocr_tool .
Run unit tests:
docker run --rm local/pl-ocr_tool nosetests
Put some examples here!