This repository is now archived
No maintenance on this repository. See the updated version of ====> example-cnf HERE.
- Build new version of the application container (vx.y.z is currently v0.2.6)
trex-container-app]$ bash build.sh app
Successfully tagged quay.io/rh-nfv-int/trex-container-app:vx.y.z
trex-container-app]$ podman push quay.io/rh-nfv-int/trex-container-app:vx.y.z
- Build new version of the server.
trex-container-app]$ bash build.sh server
Successfully tagged quay.io/rh-nfv-int/trex-container-server:vx.y.z
trex-container-app]$ podman push quay.io/rh-nfv-int/trex-container-server:vx.y.z
- Rebuild trex-operator va.b.c (va.b.c is currently v0.2.12)
trex-operator]$ make operator-all
trex-operator]$ make bundle-all