In this project, we used this version of Boggle:
To run this program, simply use [NewBoard, Letters] = boggleCV(filename)
where filename
is the path to the Boggle Board image.
For example, use [NewBoard, Letters] = boggleCV('./LetImg/tt.jpg')
to run Boglr on one of the sample images.
Then use imagesc(NewBoard)
to see the detected board.
board = generateBoggleBoardImage(length)
- Generates a black and white image of a 4x4 Boggle board, with a black frame and white tiles. Used as template in detection of Boggle board in image.
[subimage, theCorr, yOffset, xOffset] = findSubimageHighestCorr(im, windowSize)
- Finds the correlation and position of detected Boggle board of side length windowSize
, returned as subimage
[theBoard, windowSize, xOffset, yOffset] = detectBoggleBoardPyramid(im)
- Given an image, this function uses a matched filter to detect the most likely position of the Boggle board within the image, and outputs the detection window as theBoard
with side length windowSize
[newBoard, theLetters] = detectLetters(board)
- Given a detected "board" (output of detectBoggleBoardPyramid
), this function appropriately grids up the board into letter tiles, and uses a matched filter on each one to detect the most likely character. newBoard
is a processed version of board
and theLetters
is a 4x4 cell array of detected letters.
[newBoard, theLetters] = boggleCV(filename)
- Runs the detection on the file at path filename
[newBoard] = removePadding(board)
- Removes the dark padding at the edges of an image. Used in cleaning the detected board image as well as the detected letter tiles.
- Contains a cell array letters
which contains matrices that represent images of each character rotated 4 times. Used in matched filter detection of each letter tile.
For detailed information, please see report.pdf.