Ruqqus is an open-source platform for online communities, free of censorship and moderator abuse by design.
- Moderator power limited by design
- No ads
- US-based servers
- Mobile friendly
- Dark mode
A moderator has the power to "kick" a user-submitted post from their community (guild) but never delete it off the platform entirely. Kicked posts end up in a catch-all guild called +general. Content that violates the site-wide policy is removed by the core team.
Moderators, called guild masters, can only moderate a maximum of 10 guilds.
We do not serve ads. Put simply, advertisements lead to censorship. Ruqqus is funded out-of-pocket by the core team and through donations from users.
Ruqqus is responsive and mobile browser-friendly.
An account is not required to browse Ruqqus but we recommend creating one.
1. Create an account
Sign up in seconds, no email required. With a Ruqqus account, you can vote and comment on posts as well as join guilds.
2. Join some guilds
After signing up, we recommend you join some guilds. Your home feed will be populated by content from guilds you've joined.
3. Create a post
On Ruqqus, you can share links or text posts.
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue to discuss what you would like to change.
As an open-source project, we are supported by the community. If you would like to support the development of Ruqqus, please consider making a donation :)
BTC - 16JFRF4sXQ9BvY3w73MD64yPUKehhUtste
LTC - LNDKsNhHjiNBJ6YBWtE8io8H1W3Fv5mtEd
ETH - 0x4301c31B81C2C66f5aaDFC1ec75861ad3d3cE0cC
Install dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ brew install redis
$ brew install postgres
Start services
$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
$ brew services start postgresql
$ psql postgres -a -f schema.txt
Add test user to database (password = password)
$ psql postgres
INSERT INTO users (id, username, email, passhash, created_utc, creation_ip, tos_agreed_utc, login_nonce)
VALUES (NEXTVAL('users_id_seq'), 'ruqqie', '[email protected]', 'pbkdf2:sha512:150000$vmPzuBFj$24cde8a6305b7c528b0428b1e87f256c65741bb035b4356549c13e745cc0581701431d5a2297d98501fcf20367791b4334dcd19cf063a6e60195abe8214f91e8',
1592672337, '', 1592672337, 1);
Add this line to /etc/hosts ruqqus.localhost
Refresh DNS
$ sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Create environment variables
$ export domain=ruqqus.localhost:8000
$ export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379
$ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost:5432/postgres
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(/path/to/ruqqus/root)
$ export MASTER_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
Run Ruqqus
$ gunicorn ruqqus.__main__:app -w 3 -k gevent --worker-connections 6 --preload --max-requests 500 --max-requests-jitter 50