I'm Ricardo Martinez! I'm a Fullstack Web Developer📱, looking to solve real-world problems🌏. I'm passionate about making open-source more accessible, creating software:computer: and tools to help people, and building a community. Do 🌟 my repository if you find my project interesting, at least your star could make someone's day🙏.
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊
- Learning Front-End Web:computer: Development
- Learning some vectors drawing:art: by using Adobe Illustrator.
- Improving my JavaScript Skills every day.
- Learning problem solving at Hacker Rank💻
- Looking forward to take a Flutter:calling: course in future.
- 🔜
Since the world is in the quarantine stage:earth_america:, and I’m having lots of spare time:watch:, I decided to take this time focusing on feeding more knowledge:books: to myself. I set a couple of self-challenges in order to push myself more further.:running:
- Learn to code:man_technologist: 3-4 hours a day with no distraction ( One or two day off a week. )
- Read:newspaper: Dev and UI articles daily
- Workout:weight_lifting_man: 3 days in a row and take a day break
- Avoid spending too much time on Youtube Entertainment:skull_and_crossbones:
- Adapting the minimalism life style
- 🔜
const ricardoMartinez = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, C#, C, Python, Java],
tools: [React, Redux, Node, MongoDB, Angular, Jest, Docker, Express],
architecture: ["microservices", "event-driven", "design system pattern"],
challenge: "I am doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge focused on react and typescript"
- GIPHY for GIFs.