You can download the dataset from this link, the Sales datasets consist of:
- Customers Dataset
- Orders Dataset
- Order Review Dataset
- Order Items Dataset
- Product Dataset
- Sellers Dataset
Here is the relation between Sales datasets
The data wrangling process for Sales datasets:
- Convert into DateTime format
- Sort value
- Input missing value
- Merge datasets
- Drop some rows
- Convert value into title case
You can check the documentation in the helper folder,
You can download the dataset from this link, the data wrangling process for marketing datasets:
- Convert into DateTime format
- Rename column name
- Input missing value
- RFM segmentation
You can check the documentation in the helper folder,
You can download the dataset from this link, the data wrangling process for a/b testing datasets:
- Convert into DateTime format
- Make sure if the control group visit the old page and the treatment group visits the new page
- Drop duplicate user-id
- Group data by date and separate the control and treatment
- Calculate the conversion rate for group control and treatment
- Calculate the power
- Calculate the p-value
You can check the documentation in the helper folder,