A little Image Manager to use in forms.
1. Jquery
2. Twitter Bootstrap
The package will insert colorbox JS and Plupload JS, make sure you import colorbox.css to your templates.
In your composer.json file add:
"joselfonseca/image-manager" : "dev-master"
Run composer update
Add the service provider
Then run the migration
php artisan migrate --package=joselfonseca/image-manager
Then public the assets.
php artisan asset:publish joselfonseca/image-manager
Finally reference the assets in the layout
<link href="/packages/joselfonseca/image-manager/vendors/colorbox/colorbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/packages/joselfonseca/image-manager/js/imageManager.min.js"></script>
Make sure you have a field in your database to store the image id and inside your form add
<label for='titulo'>Imagen del Post</label>
{{ImageManager::getField(['text' => 'Select the File', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'field_name' => 'your_field_name', 'default' => '12'])}}
- text: the text for the button
- class: the class to apply to the button
- field_name: the field name for the image selected, this creates a hidden input with the field_name to get the id of the image selected when you post the form
- default: the id for the image to be selected by default
How to render an image?
To render an image you can add to the src the route action('showthumb', $id)
// this will show a thumb
<img src="{{action('showthumb', $default)}}" />
// this the full image
<img src="{{action('media', $default)}}" />
This is a new component that needs PR and bug report, use the repo to raise any issues.
1. Unit Testing
2. Image resizing and cropping
3. Anything else cool!
I would like to thank anyone who uses the component and report bugs. This will always be a work in progress.