You can still run this using docker, but it's not too hard to just run as a normal python script
(if you have used system packages to install cuda then you probably don't need this, try without it first)
Make sure you have included the cuda toolkit in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Mainly you need cuda/lib64
, cuda-10.1
, cuda-10.1/extras
, cuda-10.1/extras/CUPTI/lib64
You also need to add cuda-10.1/bin
to your path if you want things like nvidia-smi
e.g here is my setup:
export WORKDIR=/mnt/new_root/rilott
export PATH=$WORKDIR/cuda-10.1/bin:~/Python-3.8.3/:~/.local/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$WORKDIR/cuda-10.1/lib64:$WORKDIR/cuda/lib64:$WORKDIR/cuda-10.1/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I was using Python 3.8, which gives me access to tensorflow 2.2.0 at time of writing
Use a virtual environment, or be sure to use --user
when running pip
as follows:
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
You can train a network by running
in the bin/
e.g python bin/ --model inceptionv3 --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --batch-size 8 --lr-schedule poly --lr-power 2 --split 0.3 --data-dir ../data/alldata --model-save-dir trainedmodels/ --model-log-dir logs/
usage: [-h] [--augmentations AUGMENTATIONS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--classes CLASSES [CLASSES ...]] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LEARNING_RATE] [--lr-schedule {linear,poly}] [--lr-power LR_POWER]
[--model {vgg16,inception_resnetv2,inceptionv3,custom,nasnetlarge}] [--model-save-dir MODEL_SAVE_DIR] [--model-log-dir MODEL_LOG_DIR] [--no-weights] [--preview] [--split SPLIT] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]
[--train-dir TRAIN_DIR] [--val-dir VAL_DIR] [--test-dir TEST_DIR] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--augmentations AUGMENTATIONS
Comma separated values containing augmentations e.g horitzontal_flip=True,zoom=0.3
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size
--classes CLASSES [CLASSES ...]
List of classes
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs to train
--lr LEARNING_RATE Learning rate
--lr-schedule {linear,poly}
Learning rate scheduler
--lr-power LR_POWER Power of lr decay, only used when using polynomial learning rate scheduler
--model {vgg16,inception_resnetv2,inceptionv3,custom,nasnetlarge}
Name of model to train
--model-save-dir MODEL_SAVE_DIR
Save location for trained models
--model-log-dir MODEL_LOG_DIR
Save location for model logs (used by tensorboard)
--no-weights Don't download and use any pretrained model weights, random init
--preview Preview a batch of augmented data and exit
--split SPLIT Training/Test split (% of data to keep for training, will be halved for validation and testing)
--data-dir DATA_DIR Full dataset directory (will be split into train/val/test)
--train-dir TRAIN_DIR
Training data (validation is taken from this)
--val-dir VAL_DIR Validation data (can be supplied if you do not want it taken from training data
--test-dir TEST_DIR Testing data
--verbose Verbose
There is another script located at bin/
which can be given a directory of images (in a structure keras can read), and a trained model. The script will then output percentages of correct predictions. Don't worry about --batch-size
below, it seems this just affects how many images are predicted at once.
You'll need to specify the type of model using --preprocess
, so that the correct preprocessing steps are applied to the input images. This currently needs to be done manually, but one day could be automatic.
usage: [-h] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--classes CLASSES [CLASSES ...]] [--size SIZE] [--preprocess {inceptionv3,inception_resnetv2}] [--new] image_dir model
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size
--classes CLASSES [CLASSES ...]
List of classes
--size SIZE Shape of input e.g 256 for (256,256)
--preprocess {inceptionv3,inception_resnetv2}
Preprocessing to perform on images
--new Set if predicting on a flat folder of new data
Obtain image or ask for image from me:
docker pull pontikos/keras_pytorch_cv2:tanga
You can also download it from here:
Run image:
nvidia-docker run -v `pwd -P`/images:/eye2gene/data/ -v `pwd -P`:/eye2gene -w /eye2gene/ -it bash
python --train data/train/AF --valid data/test/AF --epochs 100
python --predict data/test/AF --weights weight.hdf5 > errors.csv