Source Code written in Java for ECSE-211 (Design Principles and Methods) Final Robotics Competition, Team 15, Winter 2019 Session. It works on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 platform under LeJOS firmware.
Design a robot capable of navigating autonomously on the field, in search for 210 mL cans of various color and weight combinations. A can is to be retrieved and placed upright at the robot's starting position.
- Robot must successfully bring back a can within 5 minutes.
- Robot cannot travel into the water ⋅⋅*Robot must travel through the tunnel
- Color Sensor x 3
- Ultrasonic Sensor x 1
- Large EV3 Motor x 2
- Large NXT Motor x 1
- Medium Motor x 1
- Initialize all sensors
- Receive info through Wi-Fi
- Start odometer
- Start localization
- Generate the list of sequence of points to travel to
- Travel through the tunnel to the target search zone
- Search for a can
- Once it finds a can, detect the color and weight (Red/Green/Blue/Yellow & Heavy/Light)
- Grab a can
- Go back to the starting position
- Drop a can
- Localization: 88.89%
- Navigation: 68.75%
- Searching: 75.00%
- Color Classification & Weighing: 85.7%