A python AI made by Rishabh Bector and Leo Orshansky using api.ai, Google Speech Recognition, and many more public APIs.
Make sure you have git installed, then run these commands.
git clone https://github.com/rishabh-bector/gideon-ai.git
cd gideon-ai
python setup.py install
run python -m gideonai
or gideonai
The default input mode is 'input'. Hit enter, then say something into the mic. If you don't have access to a mic then type what you want to say and press enter. Have Fun!
Ask Gideon about General Knowledge. For Example, 'Who is Taylor Swift?', 'What is the capital of Poland?', 'Who is in Maroon 5?'
Give Gideon a command similar to 'Quiz me on {topic}', and she will quiz you. If you want Gideon to repeat something, say 'interrupt', and then 'Can you say that again?'. She will gladly comply. To stop quizzing, simply say 'stop quizzing'.
Ask Gideon about the weather, for example, 'What is the weather like in Austin?'
Ask Gideon to tell you a joke (These are usually pretty cringy)
Make small talk
Play Music