Members of the team:
- Ritik Gupta
- Satyansh Shukla
- Prateek Singh
First, installs the dependencies:
npm install in backend and cliend both
# or
yarn install
Add environment variable in .env
Third, run the development server:
npm start in backend and cliend both
# or
yarn start
Created an online social media platform where one can interact with others, share posts and comments, like others' posts, etc.
This app will show the list of comments on the landing page without the login but the user can't access the post(comment, reply, like, dislike, etc…)
For accessing posts the first user has to login through the mail Id(google oath) then it will redirect the user to a home page where the user can create a new post which will contain an image and caption for the image. Users can now comment on any post and can like or dislike posts and comments.
It has a searching feature to search a specific user or post and a sorting feature where the user can sort the post by different fields.
It has a unique feature where users can pin any no of user and then can use a flied from sorting feature to see the post of that specific user
The above feature is for regular users but if a user is an admin user it has some additional features such as he/she can blacklist a reply of any comments, can blacklist comments(if a comment is blacklisted then it’s all reply will also become blacklisted) and can even blacklist any user(if a user is blacklisted then it’s all reply and comments will also become blacklisted ). And this blackistListed stuff will not be visible to a regular user.
Backend authorization is maintained by passport.js and JWT Tokens; for the frontend, Context API is used to maintain this.
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.