- Begin by forking the repository to your account.
- Clone the repository locally using either a shell or GitHub Desktop.
- Make your changes on the local repository.
- Once all changes have been staged and committed with appropriate messages (state the intent of the commit), push to your local repository.
- Visit your forked repository online and click Pull Request above the code in the top right corner.
- Leave a detailed message with what was completed in the commit and how it was implemented.
- Click 'Make Pull Request' and wait for your code to be merged.
- A team picture or some background that is representative of the team.
- A short description of the team (this will include your history in order to be fair to all teams). Keep it to a small paragraph, maximum 6-8 sentences.
- An individual portrait of the team captain and a short bio or none at all, 2-3 sentences at max (styling permitting, you may create a card that expands to reveal a longer bio if you wish)
- If the choice is no bio then team members should have some kind of designated role or title assigned to them for clarity
- Individual team portraits of the team members and their bios -- same rules as the captain section. I would prefer it if the information on the captain was stylistically distinguishable.
- Team Awards must be listed with award name and year won along with a description of where and how it was won.
- Team pictures (which must exclusively contain only team members, meaning no other GFR team members because those will go in the club gallery)
- A point of contact for each team must be listed with name and email, if you choose to do a form the form should work (duh).
- Additionally the form or point of contact should be distinguishable from the club's point of contact and any other surrounding elements
Must write UX friendly code. This means that:
- All paragraphs or bodies of text (if not using the pre-existing classes) must be left-aligned.
- Must have easily noticeable links and hover-able elements.
- Titles must be large and clear to see.
- Colors should not be too bright or distracting unless that is the intent
Choose at least one primary color, and one secondary color to act as an accent.
Make sure to make all code mobile-responsive.
Make sure all code is neatly nested and classes are easy to understand.
If using animations and transition ensure that all vendor prefixes are accounted for.
Other than that you have free reign to style as you wish. Happy coding!