RhymerFinder predicts the rhymes in a song based on preceding lyrics by using gensim's Word2Vec implementation.
python setup.py install
python rhymerfinder/run.py
The lyrics corpus is provided in data/corpus.pkl. However, if you would like to re-scrape the lyrics into a Mongo database run the following:
To scrape the song URLs for each artist (outputed into data/html/urls.txt):
python rhymerfinder/scrape_artists.py
To scrape the HTML source, parse the lyrics, and store them using MongoDB (HTML source outputed to data/html/[artist name]):
python rhymerfinder/scrape_songs.py
You can also use RhymerFinder to rhyme your own lyrics at the iPython command line (replicating the behavior of rhymerfinder.com).
First, cd into the "rhymerfinder" subdirectory". Train a rhymerfinder object with the following:
import rhymer_finder
import cPickle as pickle
#Initialize rhymer_finder object
rhymer = rhymer_finder.rhymer_finder()
print "Loading Corpus..."
with open('./data/corpus.pkl','r') as f:
corpus = pickle.load(f)
print "Loading W2V..."
with open('./data/w2v.pkl','r') as f:
print "Creating Rhyming Dictionary..."
Now you can use the "find_rhyme" method like so:
rhymer.find_rhyme(Lyrics, Word_to_Rhyme)
For example,
rhymer.find_rhyme('You will see him on tv any given sunday win the superbowl and drive off in a','sunday')
Cos-sim Rhymes
0 0.41 hyundai
1 0.39 andre
2 0.37 driveway
3 0.35 ave
... ... ...