A Simple Command Line Utility for converting SQL INSERT statements to CSV and vice versa.
pip install sqlcsvsql
usage: __main__.py [-h] [-f FILEPATH] [-t TABLE_NAME] [-o OUTPUT] [-m {single,multi}] [-s {y,n}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILEPATH, --filepath FILEPATH
SQL or CSV file path
-t TABLE_NAME, --table-name TABLE_NAME
Table name for csv file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output filepath. Must end with extension
-m {single,multi}, --statement_mode {single,multi}
single or multiline DML to generate
-s {y,n}, --surround {y,n}
surround values with single quote. For a CSV with columns A,B,C if only B column's values should be surrounded with quotes, then use ```--surround n,y,n```. By default, all values are
python -m sqlcsvsql -f file.sql
the converted file will be saved in the same directory with file name file.sql.csv
python -m sqlcsvsql -f file.csv -t example_table -m single
the converted file will be saved in the same directory with file name file.csv.sql