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fix parse awarding
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mlwmlw committed Apr 14, 2015
1 parent 74a9fb0 commit 901808c
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 53 deletions.
82 changes: 55 additions & 27 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ parseFailed = (url, cb) ->
cb {origin_publish: trim($ '.main tr' .eq(6) .find 'td' .text!).replace /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/, (date, year, month, day) ->
(+year + 1911) + "-" + month + "-" + day
parseAward = (url, cb) ->
parseAward = (url, cb, mode) ->
award = {}
error, res <- request.get url
if mode
modeUrl = url+"&contentMode="+mode
modeUrl = url+"&contentMode=0"
error, res <- request.get modeUrl
$ = cheerio.load res.body
merchants = {}
merchant = trim($ '.award_table_tr_4 tr' .eq 5 .find 'td' .text!)
Expand All @@ -40,33 +44,53 @@ parseAward = (url, cb) ->
(+year + 1911) + "-" + month + "-" + day
return false
$rows = $ '.award_table_tr_3 tr'
$th = $rows.find 'th'
$td = $rows.find 'td'
total = $rows.eq 0 .find 'td' .text!.replace(/\s+/g, '') - 1
id = null
map = {'廠商代碼': '_id', '廠商名稱': 'name', '廠商電話': 'phone', '廠商地址': 'address', '廠商業別': 'industry', '組織型態': 'org', '僱用員工總人數是否超過100人': 'over100', '決標金額': 'amount'}
for i to $th.length - 1
if i == 0
key = $th.eq(i).text!.replace(/\s+/g, '')
value = $td.eq(i).text!.replace(/\s+/g, '')
if map[key] == '_id'
id = value
merchants[id] = {}
else if map[key] == 'industry'
split = $td.eq(i).text!.split(/\s+/)
value = split[1]
if split.length > 3
merchants[id].registration = split[3]
else if map[key] == 'amount'
value = +value.replace(/[元,]/g, '')
if !map[key]
merchants[id][map[key]] = value
map = {'廠商代碼': '_id', '廠商名稱': 'name', '廠商電話': 'phone', '廠商地址': 'address', '廠商業別': 'industry', '組織型態': 'org', '僱用員工總人數是否超過100人': 'over100', '決標金額': 'amount', '是否得標': 'awarding', '得標廠商國別': 'country', '有無在我國辦理分公司登記': 'tw_branch'}
#multiple mode
# console.log url, $rows.length
if $rows.length == 0
$rows = $ '.award_table_tr_3'
value = trim($rows.eq(2).find 'td' .text!)
if /完整資料/.test value
return parseAward url, cb, 1
value = value.replace /\s+/g, ' '
ms = value.match /(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/g
for i, raw of ms
m = raw.split /[ ]+/
id = m[2]
merchants[id] = {
_id: id,
awarding: {'得標': 1, '未得標': 0}[m[1]],
name: m[3]
for i to $rows.length - 1
if i == 0
$row = $rows.eq i
key = $row.find 'th' .text!.replace /\s+/g, ''
value = $row.find 'td' .text!.replace /\s+/g, ''
if !map[key]
if map[key] == '_id'
id = value
merchants[id] = {}
else if map[key] == 'industry'
split = $row.find 'td' .text!.split(/\s+/)
value = split[1]
if split.length > 3
merchants[id].registration = split[3]
else if map[key] == 'amount'
value = +value.replace(/[元,]/g, '')
else if map[key] == 'awarding'
value = {'': 1, '': 0}[value]
merchants[id][map[key]] = value
award.merchants = []
for i, merchant of merchants
clone = {} <<< merchant
if merchant.amount
if merchant.awarding
award.merchants.push clone
delete merchant.amount
cb(award, merchants)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,6 +144,7 @@ getDocs = (date, page) ->
merchants.push m;
row.merchants = award.merchants;
row.origin_publish = award.origin_publish
row.candidates = ms
awardDeferred.resolve row
row.url = '' + row.failed_url
Expand All @@ -143,6 +168,9 @@ getDocs = (date, page) ->
return deferred.promise

#parseAward ''
#parseAward ''
#getDocsByDate '2015-03-23' .then (data) ->
# console.log data
#parseAward ''
#parseAward '', (abc, ms) ->
#parseAward '', (abc, ms) ->
# console.log abc, ms
#getDocsByDate '2015-01-19' .then (data) ->
#console.log data
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ client = client.connect uri, (err, db) ->
row._id = row.key
if /更正公告/.test
publish = moment.min moment(date), moment(row.publish) .toDate!
publish = moment.max moment(date), moment(row.publish) .toDate!
delete row.publish
bulk.find {_id: row.key} .upsert!.update { $set: row, $min: {publish: publish} }
bulk.find {_id: row.key} .upsert!.update { $set: row, $max: {publish: publish} }
console.log "tender " + res.length
if res.length
promiseMain.add bulk.execute
Expand All @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ client = client.connect uri, (err, db) ->
$set: a
pccBulk.find {id:, publish: publish, unit: new RegExp a.unit} .update {
$set: {award: {_id: a.key, merchants: a.merchants || [], url: a.url, publish: a.publish}}
$set: {merchants: a.candidates || [], award: {_id: a.key, merchants: a.merchants || [], url: a.url, publish: a.publish}}
promiseSub.add awardBulk.execute
promiseSub.add pccBulk.execute
Expand Down
79 changes: 56 additions & 23 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,10 +91,41 @@ app.get '/category/:category', (req, res) ->
db.collection 'pcc' .find { category: req.params.category } .limit 200 .toArray (err, docs) ->
res.send docs

app.get '/merchants/', (req, res) ->
err, merchants <- db.collection 'merchants' .find {} .toArray
app.get '/rank/merchants/:order?/:year?', (req, res) ->
year = req.params.year
start = new Date year, 0, 1
end = new Date year, 11, 31
$sort = {}
$sort.$sort = {};
$sort.$sort[req.params.order || "sum"] = -1;
$match = { "award.merchants._id": {$ne: ""}}
$match.publish = {$gte: start, $lte: end}
err, merchants <- db.collection 'pcc' .aggregate [
{ $unwind: "$award.merchants" },
{ $match: $match},
{ $group : {_id: "$award.merchants._id", merchants: {$addToSet: "$award.merchants"}, count: {$sum: 1}, sum: {$sum: "$award.merchants.amount"}}},
{ $limit: 100}]
for i,m of merchants
m.merchant = m.merchants.pop!
delete m.merchants
res.send merchants

app.get '/merchants/:id?', (req, res) ->
id =
filter = {}
if /\d+/.test id
filter = {_id: id}
filter = {name: id}
err, merchants <- db.collection 'merchants' .find filter .toArray
if id
res.send merchants[0]
res.send merchants

app.get '/merchant/:id?', (req, res) ->
id =
if !id
Expand All @@ -106,15 +137,33 @@ app.get '/merchant/:id?', (req, res) ->
err, docs <- db.collection 'pcc' .find filter .toArray
res.send docs

app.get '/tender/rank/', (req, res) ->
start = moment!.startOf 'month' .toDate!
end = moment!.endOf 'month' .toDate!
app.get '/tender/:id/:unit?', (req, res) ->
id =
unit = req.params.unit
if !id
return res.send {}
filter = {id: id}
if unit
filter.unit = new RegExp(unit - /\s+/g)
err, tenders <- db.collection 'pcc' .find filter .sort {publish: -1} .toArray
res.send tenders

app.get '/rank/tender/:month?', (req, res) ->
m = req.params.month
start = moment m .startOf 'month' .toDate!
end = moment m .endOf 'month' .toDate!
err, tenders <- db.collection 'pcc' .find {publish: {$gte: start, $lte: end}} .sort {price: -1} .limit 100 .toArray
res.send tenders

app.get '/partner', (req, res) ->
app.get '/partner/:year?', (req, res) ->
year = req.params.year
start = new Date year, 0, 1
end = new Date year, 11, 31
$match = {merchants: {$exists: 1}}
$match.publish = {$gte: start, $lte: end}
db.collection 'award' .aggregate [
{$match: {merchants: {$exists: 1}}},
{$match: $match},
{$unwind: "$merchants"},
{$group: {_id: {unit: "$unit", merchant:"$", merchant_id: "$merchants._id"}, price: {$sum: "$price"}, count: {$sum: 1}}},
{$sort: {count: -1}},
Expand All @@ -123,21 +172,6 @@ app.get '/partner', (req, res) ->
], (err, docs) ->
res.send docs

app.get '/merchants/rank/:order?', (req, res) ->
$sort = {}
$sort.$sort = {};
$sort.$sort[req.params.order || "sum"] = -1;
err, merchants <- db.collection 'pcc' .aggregate [
{ $unwind: "$award.merchants" },
{ $match: { "award.merchants._id": {$ne: ""}}},
{ $group : {_id: "$award.merchants._id", merchants: {$addToSet: "$award.merchants"}, count: {$sum: 1}, sum: {$sum: "$award.merchants.amount"}}},
{ $limit: 100}]
for i,m of merchants
m.merchant = m.merchants.pop!
delete m.merchants
res.send merchants

app.get '/units/:id?', (req, res) ->
if == 'all'
err, docs <- db.collection 'pcc' .aggregate { $group: { _id: '$unit'}}
Expand All @@ -158,7 +192,6 @@ app.get '/unit/:unit/:month?', (req, res) ->
end = new Date req.params.month + "-01"
end.setMonth end.getMonth!+1
filter.publish = {$gte: start, $lt: end}
console.log filter
db.collection 'pcc' .find filter .toArray (err, docs) ->
docs.sort (a, b) ->
return b.publish - a.publish
Expand Down

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