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Restricting a Linux User

rjnienaber edited this page Mar 29, 2012 · 6 revisions

Why would would I want to do this?

The way Simverest works is by SSH'ing into a Varnish server and running the following commands at various times:

  • varnishlog
  • varnishstat
  • grep
  • cut
  • top
  • hostname

From the output of these commands, Simverest can determine the current state of the Varnish server. However, you don't want to give Simverest the same sort of access as a normal user because it only needs to perform a very small set of tasks. So what to do?

How do I do this?

Well what you can do is limit the logged on Linux users to only the above commands. On my Ubuntu 10.04 machine, I followed the guide on bodhi zazen's blog and came up with the following script:

  1. Create and lock down a new user account
    • login on to your linux machine
    • sudo -i

    • adduser simverest (enter password but otherwise, just accept defaults at prompts)

    • chsh -s /bin/rbash simverest

    • chown root.simverest /home/simverest

    • chmod 750 /home/simverest

  2. Lock down user environment
    • cd /home/simverest

    • rm -rf .bash_login .bashrc .profile .bash_profile .bash_logout

    • touch .bashrc

    • for i in .bash_login .bash_profile .bash_logout .profile; do echo '. .bashrc' > $i; done

    • echo 'export PATH=/home/simverest/usr/bin' >> .bashrc

    • mkdir -p /home/simverest/usr/bin

    • chown -R root.simverest .bash* .profile /home/simverest

    • chmod -R 750 usr/bin

  3. Restrict access to specific applications
    • ln -s /usr/bin/varnishlog /home/simverest/usr/bin/varnishlog

    • ln -s /usr/bin/varnishstat /home/simverest/usr/bin/varnishstat

    • ln -s /bin/grep /home/simverest/usr/bin/grep

    • ln -s /usr/bin/cut /home/simverest/usr/bin/cut

    • ln -s /usr/bin/top /home/simverest/usr/bin/top

    • ln -s /bin/hostname /home/simverest/usr/bin/hostname

You should now have a locked down user that can only run the 6 commands necessary for Simverest to function.

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