There are two models. Naive Bayes model (flexible n-gram implementation) and Keras Sequential Feedforward Neural Network model (trigram implementation).
Written by Christina Pathrose and Rachel Johanek as park of CS4150: Natural Language Processing at Northeastern University.
The Dataset used for this Project features Poems from the Poetry Foundation, and can be found here:
The pretrained word embeddings are too large to include here find "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz" here: under the "Pre-trained word and phrase vectors" section. Include "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz" in your development folder.
To train use the following command format: ./ INT
where... INT is an optional parameter specifying the desired n-gram length (default=3)
AND PoetryFoundationData.csv (Poetry Dataset) must be in the folder
To train use the following command format:
AND PoetryFoundationData.csv (Poetry Dataset) must be in the folder Pretrained Word Embeddings Original file (GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz) must be in the folder
To run use the following command format: ./ TOPIC INT MODEL_TYPE
where... TOPIC is a String which represents the topic of teh poem (ex. water) INT is an interger greater than 0, which represents the number of lines in the poem MODEL_TYPE is either "NB" or "Keras" (default=Keras), which represents the model you wish to use
AND this requires the following files that were generated during training:
- PreTrained Naive Bayes Model (my_clf.joblib)
- Pretrained Keras Sequential Model (poem_words)
- Pretrained Word Embeddings (pretrained_embeddings.model)
- Word Embeddings trained on Poetry Dataset (poem_words.model)