Simple boot to use as a gateway between a RSS feeder and a Telegram channel.
I prefer to use multiple telegram channels with a single bot. Ever RSS can be forwarded to a specific channel. For example, you can group multiple news feeds to a single news channel, multiple entertainment feeds to a separated channel, etc.
Creation of public or private Telegram channel to upload the message goes beyond the scope of this document. You can check some guidelines here:
- token is obtained after the bot's creation
- channel id can be obtained from channel information
Documentation about configparser module:
Check about html tags supported by the Telegram API here:
Clone this project
git clone
Change to project's directory
cd rss2t.git
Install any requirements for this module:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create file. This file should include the info about the bot token and the channel id. Check file named to use it as reference.
Create a config.ini file to define credentials, channel ID and RSS feeds (you can check config.ini.sample as a guideline to create your own file).
'DEFAULT' section should include bot_token:
[DEFAULT] bot_token = use_real_token_from_your_bot
'CHANNELS' section should include tag for each telegram channel along with its channel_id:
[CHANNELS] channel1 = channel_id_for_channel1 channel2 = channel_id_for_channel2 ...
Remaining sections include information about RSS feeds. Each RSS channel should be defined like this:
[tag_for_this_rss_feed] last = 0 url = rss_feed_url channel_id = ${CHANNELS:channel1} ...
Every feed should have a different tag. Also, channel_id should refer to the tag of the channel according to CHANNELS section.
Run the module like this:
python -m rss2t
Allow to add a new feed to config.ini file. It requires three arguments:
- A name to be used as tag.
- Name of the channel according to the CHANNELS section in the ini file.
- An URL for the RSS feed.