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René Koch edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

This plugin for Icinga/Nagios is used to monitor a variety of a RHV and oVirt environement including datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and storage domains.


check_rhv is released under GPL ​

You can download the latest stable version from this page:

The latest code can be cloned from Github.

Please report any issues, bugs or feature requests by creating a ticket ​here.


Detailed documentation for this plugin can be found here:


Professional support and consulting is available from Rene Koch [email protected]


You can contribute to this project in various ways:

Use this plugin and report your experience

  • Help by spreading the plugin on blogs and forums
  • Create a ticket for feature requests if you miss a feature ​here
  • If you find a bug, please report it by creating a new ticket ​here
  • Fork reposity and pull code if you added new feature or fixed bugs
  • Update the documentation in this wiki
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