Astroberry PiFace CAD provides INDI driver for PiFace Control and Display addon board to Raspberry Pi.
The project provides INDI drivers using PiFace Control and Display (2x16 LCD display + 5 buttons + nav button)
The project is the result of splitting Astroberry PiFace at its version 2.0.2
First, you need to download and install INDI server and libraries. See INDI site for more details. In most cases it's enough to run:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libindi1
Second, download and install astroberry-pifacecad.
Compiling from source:
sudo apt-get install libindi-dev
git clone
cd astroberry-pifacecad-cad
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Installing from binaries:
dpkg -i astroberry-piface-cad_2.0.1-1_armhf.deb
#How to use it? Start your INDI server with Astroberry PiFace CAD driver:
indiserver -l /var/log/indi -f /var/run/indi -p 7624 indi_piface_cad
Start KStars with Ekos, connect to your INDI server and enjoy!