INDI driver for weather monitoring from an arbitrary MQTT source. This driver is superior to any existing driver as it can be fed with data from virtually any source through local or public MQTT broker. If your weather station can publish to MQTT topics, you can use it right away by subscribing to these topics. You can also parse any weather date source with middleware (eg. node-red), publish it to a MQTT broker and subscribe to it with the driver.
This assumes you already have INDI installed.
First, let's install some build tools, if you haven't already.
sudo apt install build-essential cmake
You must install the INDI ans Mosquitto development libraries.
sudo apt install libindi-dev libmosquitto1 libmosquitto-dev
Okay, we're ready to get the source and build it.
git clone
cd indi-weather-mqtt
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
Start your INDI server with indi-weather-mqtt by running
indiserver -v indi-weather-mqtt
Now you can monitor and control weather from a MQTT source of your choice!