Proof of concept for the Open Data final project. This project contains the necessary scripts and data files to populate an initialized Neo4j graph. Then use this graph to generate recommendations
The repository contains:
- Data folder with the provided data files, already preprocessed. These include:
- GoodReads data in CSV format, with books, tags and user rating information.
- Letterboxd data in JSON format with movie and ratings information.
- Pre-processing R scripts that were used to preprocess mock data for the proof of concept.
- Graph creation Python script that populates an initialized Neo4j graph
- Recommender Python script that runs the recommender queries.
In order to get the recommender started, make sure there is an initialized and started Neo4j empty graph. The graph needs to be accessible through Bolt protocol at bolt://localhost:7687 with password odproject
In addition, the data/goodreads/*.csv files must be copied to the correct Neo4j import folder for the graph.
Python module py2neo needs to be installed in the system, as the Neo4j wrapper.
Once the empty graph database is started, run the script in order to populate it.
When the script is finished, you can run the script to start the recommender queries.
When running the script, one can enter two optional integers as command arguments that will be passed to the script as User_id, the user who will recieve the recommendations, and Limit the number of Movies/Books (limit items of each) that the system will recommend. By the default these are User_id=1 and Limit=5.