AppDaemon app - Controls light according to programmed scenes based on multiple inputs like switches, motions sensors and door/window sensors. Suitable for users, that have smart light always power on and zigbee switches. Needs to be used with HomeAssistant
Main features:
- Supports 3 build-in, configurable scenes
- cold - used during daylight
- warm - used for afternoon
- dimmed - as a night light
- Speed - where it is possible, state is cached to speed up calculation of response.
- Commands are sent and responses are received via mqtt, but light can be controlled via HA as well
- Configurable warm/cold scene time periods
- Support motions sensors
- Support contact sensors
- Smart functionality for combining all sensors and switches
Minimal configuration:
# Name of app instance
# Module name
module: lightcontroller
# Module class
class: LightController
# Define light entity to control.
light_entity: light.light_1
# Define z2m names of switches.
# Switch needs to support at least single click, ideally double and hold as well
- name: switch_1
- z2m main topic needs to de default one (zigbee2mqtt)
Switch event behavior:
- single - turn off or turn on default scene (warm or cold depending on current time)
- double - when off or not warm - set to warm. If warm - set to cold. Convenient way to change scene.
- hold - set dimmed scene
Full configuration:
# Name of app instance
# Module name
module: lightcontroller
# Module class
class: LightController
# Scenes configuration. If not defined, some defaults will be used.
color_temp: 250
brightness: 255
color_temp: 389
brightness: 150
color_temp: 500
brightness: 1
# If light don't support color_temp, then it is needed to set following flag to false:
color_temp_support: True
# Suppress multiple clicks/commands/service calls for x seconds:
debounce: 1
# Define HA light entity to control. Still needed, even if z2m entity is defined.
light_entity: light.light_1
# It is possible to define z2m name topic to control light,
# then command will be send directly to z2m via mqtt:
mqtt_entity: light_1
# Define input switches as z2m names with associated 'action' attribute value.
# If given switch don't support double/hold action, then some functionality will be reduced.
- name: switch_1
single: "left_single"
double: "left_double"
hold: "left_hold"
# Define additional time bounds for cold scene.
# If not defined, default values below will be used
start: "07:00:00"
end: "19:00:00"
# If you want to automatically change the light color on time boundaries defined upper,
# then set following flag:
auto_color_temp_change: True
# Define time bounds for warm scene, if you want to have default dimmed scene instead of warn on defined time boundaries.
# No auto transition happens here.
start: "05:00:00"
end: "22:00:00"
# Define z2m motion sensors to define auto on function and timeout function
- name: occupancy_1
turn_on: True # defult True, defines if given motion sensor can trigger light on action
# if set to false, it will be used only to check, if timeout can be started to count
# Timeout for motion sensors, that is after which time light should be turned off after not detecting a move.
motion_timeout: 300 # seconds
# Set time for which movement will be ignored after manually turning off light
ignore_motion_after_turn_off_time = 5
# When light is going off due to no movement detection,
# define time that will turn on light after movement detection without transition time
power_off_cancel_timeout = 8
# Define transition time for turning off light after motion detection timeout
motion_power_off_transition_time = 5
# Contacts, that can trigger light on acion when contact=false.
# To be used with door sensor, so when door goes open, light will turn on.
- name: contact_1
It is also possible to control light via HA events:
- Name:
- Data:
light: some_name # Define name of light to set. Can be 'all' as well to set all lights
lights: # You can define list of lights to control instead of defining one light
- light1
- light2
# Action to perform, can be: turn_on, turn_off, toggle, set_scene
action: some_action
# If action is 'set_scene', it is needed to define scene to set. Can be OFF, DIMM, WARM, COLD
scene: DIMM