RIOC is an acronym for Remote IO Control. rioc-arduino is an Arduino sketch program that enables Arduino IO pins to be reconfigurable and controllable by remote apps like h5control or DigiShow LINK.
rioc-arduino is able to configure and drive your Arduino units to be parts in a simple controller network using USB for controlling digital/analog IO, motors, servos, LED lights, sensors etc.
For DigiShow users, Arduino is an open source electronic controller used to create homemade instruments or interactive installations. Using DigiShow on your computer, it's easy to control sensors, motors or LEDs through an Arduino connected to your computer USB port, you don't need to program on Arduino to control IO, just upload this preprepared RIOC sketch to your Arduino board (or Arduino PLC).
Need an Arduino MEGA or UNO, Nano board.
Open sketch RiocArduino.ino in Arduino IDE and upload the program to the Arduino.