GoalDSL is an external Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for the behaviour verification of IoT-enabled CPS applications and systems, based on a goal-driven approach. The general idea is that goal-driven rules can be defined for entities (smart objects, virtual artefacts, etc.) in a CPS, a smart environment or a digital twin.
Goal-driven verification scenarios can be defined based on the state of "Smart Entities" (physical or virtual/digital). For example, a goal may define a rule to wait until receiving a message from the in-house robot or until the temperature in the bedroom reaches a specific value. To expand this idea to the context of Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Home Automation, beyond Entity-based goals, it is useful to be able to define goals for mobile smart objects (e.g. robots) and for monitoring the state of smart objects and act on them. For example, in CPS it is common to require definition of goals related to the pose of the robot, or to follow a trajectory, to pass from a specific point or reach a destination target. Concerning smart home specific goals, the language supports goals which monitor the attribute values of entities. In a nutshell, our approach can be used to verify that the implementation meets expected functional standards, regarding application development for smart environments.
- Table of contents
Download this repository and simply install using pip
package manager.
git clone https://github.com/robotics-4-all/goal-dsl
cd goal-dsl
pip install .
- Declarative Syntax: Define goals and their relationships in a clear and concise manner.
- Extensible: Easily add custom goals and actions to fit your specific use case.
- Integration-Friendly: Designed to work seamlessly with robotics frameworks and middleware.
- Human-Readable: Goals are defined in a way that is easy to understand and maintain.
Currently the DSL supports the following types of goals
- Entity Goals
- EntityStateChange
- EntityStateCondition
- Area Goals
- RectangleArea
- CircularArea
- PolylineArea
- MovingArea
- Pose Goals
- PositionGoal
- OrientationGoal
- PoseGoal
- Trajectory Goals
- StraightLineTrajectoryGoal
- WaypointTrajectoryGoal
- Complex Goal
The Broker acts as the communication layer for messages where each device has its own Topic which is basically a mailbox for sending and receiving messages. SmartAutomation DSL supports Brokers which support the MQTT, AMQP and Redis protocols. You can define a Broker using the syntax in the following example:
Broker<MQTT> HomeMQTT
host: 'localhost'
port: 1883
username: ''
password: ''
Broker<Redis> LocalRedis
host: 'localhost'
port: 6379
ssl: false
username: ''
password: ''
- host: Host IP address or hostname for the Broker
- port: Broker Port number
- auth: Authentication credentials. Unified for all communication brokers
- username: Username used for authentication
- password: Password used for authentication
- vhost (Optional): Vhost parameter. Only for AMQP brokers
- ssl (Optional): Enable/Disable ssl channel encryption
- topicExchange (Optional): (Optional) Exchange parameter. Only for AMQP brokers
- rpcExchange (FUTURE SUPPORT): Exchange parameter. Only for AMQP brokers
- db (Optional): Database number parameter. Only for Redis brokers
Entities are your connected smart devices that send and receive information using a message broker. Entities have the following required properties:
- A unique name
- A data source to connect (e.g. Message Broker, REST Service, DB Entry etc)
- A URI to send/receive messages
- A number of Attributes, which define the Data Model of the Entity
Attributes are what define the structure and the type of information in the messages the Entity sends to the communication broker.
Entity definitions follow the syntax of the below examples, for both sensor and actuator types. The difference between the two is that sensors are considered "Producers" while actuators are "Consumers" in the environment. Sensor Entities have an extra property, that is the freq
to set the publishing frequency of either physical or virtual.
Entity TempSensor1
type: sensor
topic: 'bedroom.temperature'
source: MyMQTTBroker
- temp: float
Entity bedroom_lamp
type: actuator
topic: "bedroom.lamp"
source: cloud_platform_issel
- power: bool
Entity Robot1Pose
type: sensor
topic: 'robot_1.pose'
source: HomeMQTT
- position: dict
- orientation: dict
- type: The Entity type. Currently supports
- topic: The Topic in the Broker used by the Entity to send and receive messages. Note that / should be substituted with . (e.g: bedroom/aircondition -> bedroom.aircondition).
- source: The name property of a previously defined Data Source (e.g. Broker) which the Entity uses to communicate.
- attributes: Attributes have a name and a type. As can be seen in the above example, HA-Auto supports int, float, string, bool, list and dictionary types. Note that nested dictionaries are also supported.
- description (Optional): A description of the Entity
- freq (Optional): Used for Entities of type "sensor" to set the msg publishing rate
Notice that each Entity has it's own reference to a Broker, thus the metamodel allows for communicating with Entities which are connected to different message brokers. This allows for definining automation for multi-broker architectures.
Supported data types for Attributes:
- int: Integer numerical values
- float: Floating point numerical values
- bool: Boolean (true/false) values
- str: String values
- time: Time values (e.g.
) - list: List / Array
- dict: Dictionary
SmAuto provides a code generator which can be utilized to transform Entities models into executable source code in Python. This feature of the language enables end-to-end generation of the objects (sensors, actuators, robots) which send and receive data based on their models. Thus it can be used to generate while virtual smart environments and directly dig into defining and testing automations.
For this purpose, the language supports (Optional) definition of a Value Generator
and a Noise
to be applied on each attribute of an Entity of type sensor separately.
Entity weather_station
type: sensor
freq: 5
topic: "smauto.bme"
source: home_mqtt_broker
- temperature: float -> gaussian(10, 20, 5) with noise gaussian(1,1)
- humidity: float -> linear(1, 0.2) with noise uniform (0, 1)
- pressure: float -> constant(0.5)
The above example utilizes this feature of the language. Each attribute can define it's own value and noise generators, using a simple grammar as evident below:
-> <ValueGenerator> with noise <NoiseGenerator>
Supported Generator Functions:
- Constant:
. Constant value - Linear:
linear(min, step)
. Linear function - Saw:
saw(min, max, step)
. Saw function. - Gaussian:
gaussian(value, maxValue, sigma)
. Gaussian function - Replay:
replay([values], times)
. Replay from a list of values. Thetimes
parameter can be used to force replay iterations to a specific value. Iftimes=-1
then values will be replayed infinitely. - ReplayFile:
. Replay data from a file.
Supported Noise Generators:
- Uniform:
uniform(min, max)
. - Gaussian:
gaussian(mean, sigma)
Value generation and Noise are optional in the language and are features used by the Virtual Entity generator to transform Entity models into executable code.
Conditions are very similar to conditions in imperative programming languages such as Python, Java, C++ or JavaScript. You can use Entity Attributes in a condition just like a variable by referencing it in the Condition using it's Fully-Qualified Name (FQN) in dot (.) notation.
You can combine two conditions into a more complex one using logical operators. The general format of the Condition is:
(condition_1) <LOGICAL_OP> (condition_2)
Make sure to not forget the parenthesis.
(condition_1) AND (condition_2) AND (condition_3)
The language has support for Lists and Dictionaries and even nesting them. However, for now the use of lists and dictionaries in conditions are treated as full objects and their individual elements cannot be accessed and used in conditions. This means that you can compare a List to a full other List, but cannot compare individual list items. Similarly, you can compare a full dictionary to another but cannot use individual dictionary items in conditions.
Nested in-language reference to Dict and List items will be supported in a future release of the language.
- String Operators:
- Numeric Operators:
- Logical Operators:
- BooleanValueOperator:
,is not
; - List and Dictionary Operators:
The language provides buildi-in functions which can be applied to attribute references when defining a Condition.
condition: (mean(TempSensor1.temp, 5) > 0.5 ) and
(std(TempSensor2.temp, 3) < 1)
condition: TempSensor1.temp * 2 > TempSensor2.temp + 1
var(mean(TempSensor1.temp, 10), 10) >= 0.1
Supported Functions:
- mean: The mean of the attribute buffer
- std: The standard deviation of the attribute buffer
- var: The variance of the attribute buffer
- min: The minimum value in the attribute buffer
- max: The maximum value in the attribute buffer
Bellow you will find some example conditions.
AirQualitySensor1.gas <= 25
(TempSensor1.temp > 10) and
(TempSensor2.temp > 10) and
(TempSensor2.temp - TempSensor1.temp < 2)
This Goal is considered REACHED when a message arrives at a specific topic, without any considerations of the payload of the message.
Goal<EntityStateChange> Goal_1
entity: TempSensor1
Set this Goal for cases where you want to filter messages arrived at a topic based on an exppression.
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_2
(AirQualitySensor1.gas < 10) AND (AirQualitySensor1.humidity < 30)
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_3
condition: ((TempSensor1.temp > 10) AND (TempSensor2.temp > 10))
AND (TempSensor3.temp > 10)
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_4
(mean(TempSensor1.temp, 10) > 0.5 ) AND
(mean(TempSensor2.temp, 10) > 30)
An AreaGoal is related areas in the environment which have a meaning for an application. An example would be the avoidance of specific areas. All Area Goals have a tag that gives a meaning to the goal
The first defines area goals which have to be avoided by mobile things, while
the latter an area that has to be "entered". All Area Goals have a tag
A rectangle area defined by (centerPoint, radius) that has to either be reached or avoided.
Goal<RectangleArea> Goal_1
- Robot1Pose
bottomLeftEdge: Point3D(0, 0, 0)
lengthX: 5
lengthY: 5
tag: ENTER
- entities (Optional): List of Entities to monitor. If no entities are defined then it will monitor all included in the model Entities.
- bottomLeftEdge: The bottom left point of the rectangle to build the area
- lengthX: The length of the rectangle on the X axis
- lengthY: The length of the rectangle on the Y axis
- timeConstraints: List of time constraints (see relevant section)
- tag:
A circular area defined by (centerPoint, radius).
Goal<CircularArea> Goal_2
center: Point3D(5, 5, 0)
radius: 5
tag: AVOID
- entities (Optional): List of Entities to monitor. If no entities are defined then it will monitor all included in the model Entities.
- center: The center of the circle to build the area
- radius: The radius of the circle
- timeConstraints: List of time constraints (see relevant section)
- tag:
A polyline area defined by a list of Points.
Goal<PolylineArea> GoalC
entity: my_robot
points: [Point2D(0.0, 0.0), Point2D(2.0, 4.0), Point2D(4.0, 0.0)]
tag: AVOID
This type of Goal can be used for mobile objects, such as robots.
Entity Robot2Pose
type: sensor
topic: 'robot_2.pose'
source: HomeMQTT
- position: dict
- orientation: dict
Goal<MovingArea> Goal_1
movingEntity: Robot1Pose
- Robot2Pose
radius: 2
tag: AVOID
Pose goals are those related to the pose of a specific thing. Mostly used in mobile robot applications.
Reach a specific position in space.
Goal<Position> Goal_3
entity: RobotArmPose
position: Point3D(0, 0, 0)
maxDeviation: 0.1
Goal<Position> Goal_1
entity: Robot1Pose
position: Point3D(1, 1, 0)
maxDeviation: 0.1
Reach a specific orientation in space.
Goal<Orientation> Goal_2
entity: Robot2Pose
orientation: Orientation2D(1)
maxDeviation: 0.1
Reach a specific pose (orientation, position) in space.
Goal<Pose> Goal_1
entity: Robot2Pose
orientation: Orientation2D(1)
position: Point3D(1, 1, 0)
maxDeviationOri: 0.1
maxDeviationPos: 1
Use this type to define goals for a thing to follow/track a trajectory. Mostly used in mobile robot applications.
A custom trajectory goal, defined by (list of points, maxDeviation).
The ComplexGoal is used to defined goals which are a collection of goals. For example, using complex goals, we can define a collection of Goals, from which at least one has to be accomplished.
Below are the possible types of algorithms to apply for a ComplexGoal definition.
Goal<EntityStateChange> Goal_1
entity: TempSensor1
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_2
(AirQualitySensor1.gas < 10) AND
(AirQualitySensor1.humidity < 30)
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_3
condition: ((TempSensor1.temp > 10) AND (TempSensor2.temp > 10))
AND (TempSensor3.temp > 10)
Goal<Complex> CG1
- Goal_1
- Goal_2
- Goal_3
In case of Ordered algorithms, which is the cases of ALL_ACCOMPLISHED_ORDERED
, the execution of inner Goals is sequential.
Goals can have time constraints, like maximum duration from previous goal. For this reason we introduce the TimeConstraint concept, which allows the definition of time constraints.
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_3
(TemperatureSensorList.regionA < 20) AND
(HumiditySensorList.regionA < 0.8)
In the above example the constraint indicates that The duration of the Goal must not exceed 10 seconds.
Each TimeConstraint can measure time relative to either the start of
the application or the start of the current goal. This can be defined using the
property of TimeConstraint classes and can have one of the following
The expression
can use one of the values >
, <
, >=
, <=
and ==
Scenario defines a set of goals which are assigned to be executed for a specific target/application. A scenario needs to be linked to a specific middleware (message broker),
A Scenario is defined by a list of Goals and a communication middleware.
Scenario ScenarioB
- Goal_1 -> 0.2
- Goal_2 -> 0.2
- Goal_3 -> 0.2
- Goal_4 -> 0.2
- Goal_5 -> 0.2
concurrent: false
A scenario can have multiple Goals, which are executed concurrently or in a sequential order. This is defined for each scenario via the concurrent property.
In order to be able to define points in 2D and 3D space, the Point2D and Point3D classes are introduced.
The syntax for defining a Point.
Point2D(x, y)
Point3D(x, y, z)
In order to be able to define the orientation of things in 2D and 3D space, the Orientation2D and Orientation3D classes are introduced.
The syntax for defining a Point.
Orientation2D(z) // In 2D space only zAxes rotation is allowed.
Orientation3D(x, y, z)
The language supports multi-file models via model imports. A nested model import layer is implemented, enabling pythonic imports of models defined in other files.
// File datasources.goal
Broker<MQTT> MyMQTTBroker
host: 'localhost'
port: 1883
username: ''
password: ''
// File entities.goal
import datasources.goal
Entity TempSensor1
type: sensor
topic: 'bedroom.temperature'
source: MyMQTTBroker
- temp: float
Entity TempSensor2
type: sensor
topic: 'bathroom.temperature'
source: MyMQTTBroker
- temp: float
Entity TempSensor3
type: sensor
topic: 'livingroom.temperature'
source: MyMQTTBroker
- temp: float
Entity AirQualitySensor1
type: sensor
topic: 'kitchen.airq'
source: MyMQTTBroker
- gas: float
- humidity: float
// File scenario.goal
import entities.goal
Goal<EntityStateChange> Goal_1
entity: TempSensor1
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_2
condition: mean(TempSensor1.temp, 5) > 10
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_3
condition: mean(TempSensor1.temp, 10) > 10
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_4
condition: (mean(TempSensor1.temp, 5) > 0.5 ) and
(std(TempSensor2.temp, 3) < 1)
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_5
condition: TempSensor1.temp * 2 > 10
Goal<EntityStateCondition> Goal_6
condition: TempSensor1.temp * 2 > TempSensor2.temp + 1
Scenario MyScenario
- Goal_1
- Goal_2
- Goal_3
- Goal_4
- Goal_5
concurrent: True
Validation is perfomed using either the CLI or the REST API of the DSL.
In the case of the CLI, validate
is a subcommand of goaldsl
To validate a GoalDSL model file, execute:
goaldsl validate scenario.goal
If the model passes the validation rules (grammar) you should see something like:
[I] ➜ goaldsl validate scenario.goal
target.goal: OK.
Code generation is perfomed using either the CLI or the REST API of the DSL.
In the case of the CLI, gen
is a subcommand of goaldsl
To generate the source code of a GoalDSL model, execute:
goaldsl gen scenario.goal
Several examples of usage can be found under the examples directory of this repository.
- goal-dsl.vim Vim syntax support for goal-dsl