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Domain-Specific Language for the definition and execution of automation apps for smart environments.

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SmAuto DSL



Smart environments are becoming quite popular in the home setting consisting of a broad range of connected devices. While offering a novel set of possibilities, this also contributes to the complexity of the environment, posing new challenges to allowing the full potential of a sensorized home to be made available to users.

SmAuto is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that enables users to program complex automation scenarios, for connected IoT devices in smart environments, that go beyond simple tasks.


The DSL is developed using Python and TextX and includes a meta-model and a grammar, that is specialized for smart environments, while it also provides the following features:

  • Command-line Interface. Used to call the validator and the code generators explicitely.
  • REST Api. The DSL implements a REST API, that can be utilized to remotely call the validator and the code generators on demand. Also usefull for integrating the language in bigger projects and cloud-based platforms.
  • Generate Virtual Entities. A code generator is provided that transforms Entity model definitions into executable code with enhanced value generation with optional noise functions applied on. This can be very usefull to automatically generate the source code of virtual entities which simulate the behaviour of physical sensors.
  • Compile Models. Models are transformed (Model-to-Text) into executable Python source code implementing the Automations logic.
  • Generate Visualization graphs of Automations. A generator is provided which takes a model as input and generates an image of the automation graph.



Source Installation

This project is delivered as a python package. To install, simply clone this repository and install using pip.

git clone
cd smauto-dsl
pip install .

Docker image

SmAuto can be build into a standalone docker image and provides a REST API for remotely performing model validation, automated generation of automations and virtual entities.

To build the image execute from this directory:

docker build -t smauto .

then run the container with:

docker run -it --rm --name mysmauto -p 8080:8080 smauto

By default the image exposes port 8080 for the REST API.

SmAuto Overview

The Root Metamodel of the DSL is evident below.


The main concepts of the language are:

  • Broker
  • Entity
  • Automation
  • Condition
  • Action

An SmAuto model is composed of one-or-more brokers, * entities and * automations.

Each one of the main concepts define an internal metamodel. An SmAuto Model contains information about the various devices in the smart environment (e.g: lights, thermostats, smart fridges etc.), the way they communicate and the automation tasks.

Bellow is a simple example model in which the air conditioner is turned on according to the temperature and humidity measurements:

Broker<MQTT> home_broker
    host: "localhost"
    port: 1883
        username: ""
        password: ""

Entity weather_station
    type: sensor
    topic: "porch.weather_station"
    broker: home_broker
        - temperature: float
        - humidity: int

Entity aircondition
    type: actuator
    topic: "bedroom.aircondition"
    broker: home_broker
        - temperature: float
        - mode: str
        - on: bool

Automation start_aircondition
        (weather_station.temperature > 32) AND
        (aircondition.on is true)
    enabled: true
    continuous: false
        - aircondition.temperature:  25.0
        - aircondition.mode:  "cool"
        - aircondition.on:  true

For more in-depth description of this example head to the examples/simple_model


Entities are your connected smart devices that send and receive information using a message broker. Entities have the following required properties:

  • A unique name
  • A broker to connect to
  • A topic to send/receive messages
  • A set of attributes

Attributes are what define the structure and the type of information in the messages the Entity sends to the communication broker.

Entity definitions follow the syntax of the below examples, for both sensor and actuator types. The difference between the two is that sensors are considered "Producers" while actuators are "Consumers" in the environment. Sensor Entities have an extra property, that is the freq to set the publishing frequency of either physical or virtual.

Entity weather_station
    type: sensor
    freq: 5
    topic: "bedroom.weather_station"
    broker: cloud_broker
        - temperature: float
        - humidity: float
        - pressure: float
Entity bedroom_lamp
    type: actuator
    topic: "bedroom.lamp"
    broker: cloud_platform_issel
        - power: bool
  • type: The Entity type. Currently supports sensor, actuator or hybrid
  • topic: The Topic in the Broker used by the Entity to send and receive messages. Note that / should be substituted with . (e.g: bedroom/aircondition -> bedroom.aircondition).
  • broker: The name property of a previously defined Broker which the Entity uses to communicate.
  • attributes: Attributes have a name and a type. As can be seen in the above example, HA-Auto supports int, float, string, bool, list and dictionary types. Note that nested dictionaries are also supported.
  • description (Optional): A description of the Entity
  • freq (Optional): Used for Entities of type "sensor" to set the msg publishing rate

Notice that each Entity has it's own reference to a Broker, thus the metamodel allows for communicating with Entities which are connected to different message brokers. This allows for definining automation for multi-broker architectures.

Supported data types for Attributes:

  • int: Integer numerical values
  • float: Floating point numerical values
  • bool: Boolean (true/false) values
  • str: String values
  • time: Time values (e.g. 01:25)
  • list: List / Array
  • dict: Dictionary

Attribute value generation for virtual Entities

SmAuto provides a code generator which can be utilized to transform Entities models into executable source code in Python. This feature of the language enables end-to-end generation of the objects (sensors, actuators, robots) which send and receive data based on their models. Thus it can be used to generate while virtual smart environments and directly dig into defining and testing automations.

For this purpose, the language supports (Optional) definition of a Value Generator and a Noise to be applied on each attribute of an Entity of type sensor separately.

Entity weather_station
    type: sensor
    freq: 5
    topic: "smauto.bme"
    broker: home_mqtt_broker
        - temperature: float -> gaussian(10, 20, 5) with noise gaussian(1,1)
        - humidity: float -> linear(1, 0.2) with noise uniform (0, 1)
        - pressure: float -> constant(0.5)

The above example utilizes this feature of the language. Each attribute can define it's own value and noise generators, using a simple grammar as evident below:

-> <ValueGenerator> with noise <NoiseGenerator>

Supported Value Generators:

  • Constant: constant(value). Constant value
  • Linear: linear(min, step). Linear function
  • Saw: saw(min, max, step). Saw function.
  • Gaussian: gaussian(value, maxValue, sigma). Gaussian function
  • Replay: replay([values], times). Replay from a list of values. The times parameter can be used to force replay iterations to a specific value. If times=-1 then values will be replayed infinitely.
  • ReplayFile: replayFile("FILE_PATH"). Replay data from a file.

Supported Noise Generators:

  • Uniform: uniform(min, max).
  • Gaussian: gaussian(mean, sigma).

Value generation and Noise are optional in the language and are features used by the Virtual Entity generator to transform Entity models into executable code.



The Broker acts as the communication layer for messages where each device has its own Topic which is basically a mailbox for sending and receiving messages. SmartAutomation DSL supports Brokers which support the MQTT, AMQP and Redis protocols. You can define a Broker using the syntax in the following example:

Broker<MQTT> upstairs_broker
    host: "localhost"
    port: 1883
        username: "my_username"
        password: "my_password"
  • type: The first line can be MQTT, AMQP or Redis according to the Broker type
  • host: Host IP address or hostname for the Broker
  • port: Broker Port number
  • auth: Authentication credentials. Unified for all communication brokers.
    • username: Username used for authentication
    • password: Password used for authentication
  • vhost (Optional): Vhost parameter. Only for AMQP brokers
  • vhost (Optional): Vhost parameter. Only for AMQP brokers
  • topicExchange (Optional): (Optional) Exchange parameter. Only for AMQP brokers.
  • rpcExchange (FUTURE SUPPORT): Exchange parameter. Only for AMQP brokers.
  • db (Optional): Database number parameter. Only for Redis brokers.


Automations allow the execution of a set of actions when a condition is met. Actions are performed by sending messages to Entities.


You can define an Automation using the syntax in the following example:

Automation start_aircondition
            (thermometer.temperature > 32) AND 
            (humidity.humidity > 30)
        ) AND (aircondition.on == true)
    enabled: true
    continuous: false
        - aircondition.temperature:  25.0
        - aircondition.mode:  "cool"
        - aircondition.on:  true

Automation start_humidifier
        bedroom_humidity_sensor.humidity > 0.6
    enabled: true
        - bedroom_humidifier.power: true
        - bedroom_humidifier.timer: -1
        - stop_humidifier

Automation stop_humidifier
        bedroom_humidity_sensor.humidity < 0.3
    enabled: false
        - bedroom_humidifier.power: false
        - start_humidifier
  • condition: The condition used to determine if actions should be run.
  • enabled: Whether the Automation should be run or not.
  • continuous: Whether the Automation should automatically remain enabled once its actions have been executed.
  • checkOnce: The condition of the automation will run ONLY ONCE and exit.
  • actions: The actions that should be run once the condition is met. See Writing Actions for more information.
  • after: The automation will not start and will be hold at the IDLE state until termination of the automations listed here as dependencies.
  • starts: Starts other automation after termination of the current automation.
  • stops: stops other automation after termination of the current automation.



Conditions are very similar to conditions in imperative programming languages such as Python, Java, C++ or JavaScript. You can use Entity Attributes in a condition just like a variable by referencing it in the Condition using it's Fully-Qualified Name (FQN) in dot (.) notation.



Below is an example of a Condition that references several attributes of more-than-one Entities.

Entity corridor_temperature
    type: sensor
    topic: "corridor.temperature"
    broker: home_mqtt_broker
    freq: 10
        - temperature: float

Entity kitchen_temperature
    type: sensor
    topic: "kitchen.temperature"
    broker: home_mqtt_broker
    freq: 10
        - temperature: float

Entity aircondition
    type: actuator
    topic: "bedroom.aircondition"
    broker: home_broker
        - temperature: float
        - mode: str
        - on: bool

Automation start_aircondition
        (corridor_temperature.temperature > 30) AND
        (kitchen_temperature.temperature > 30)
        - aircondition.temperature:  25.0
        - aircondition.mode:  "cool"
        - aircondition.power:  true
        - window.state:  1

Condition Formatting:

You can combine two conditions into a more complex one using logical operators. The general format of the Condition is:

(condition_1) LOGICAL_OP (condition_2)

Make sure to not forget the parenthesis.

condition_1 AND condition_2 AND condition_3

will have to be rephrased to an equivalent like:

((condition_1) AND (condition_2)) AND (condition_3)

Lists and Dictionaries:

The language has support for Lists and Dictionaries and even nesting them. However, for now the use of lists and dictionaries in conditions are treated as full objects and their individual elements cannot be accessed and used in conditions. This means that you can compare a List to a full other List, but cannot compare individual list items. Similarly, you can compare a full dictionary to another but cannot use individual dictionary items in conditions.

Nested in-language reference to Dict and List items will be supported in a future release of the language.


  • String Operators: ~, !~, ==, !=, has
  • Numeric Operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
  • Logical Operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, XNOR, NAND
  • BooleanValueOperator: is , is not;
  • List and Dictionary Operators: ==, !=

Build-in attribute processing functions

The language provides buildi-in functions which can be applied to attribute references when defining a Condition.

    (mean(bedroom_temp_sensor.temperature, 10) > 28) AND
    (std(bedroom_temp_sensor.temperature, 10) > 1)

    bedroom_humidity_sensor.humidity in range(30, 60)

    bedroom_temp_sensor.temperature in range(24, 26) AND
    bedroom_humidity_sensor.humidity in range(30, 60)

    var(mean(bedroom_temp_sensor.temperature, 10), 10) >= 0.1

Supported Functions:

  • mean: The mean of the attribute buffer
  • std: The standard deviation of the attribute buffer
  • var: The variance of the attribute buffer
  • min: The minimum value in the attribute buffer
  • max: The maximum value in the attribute buffer

Writing Conditions

Bellow you will find some example conditions.

(bedroom_humidity.humidity < 0.3) AND (bedroom_humidifier.state == 0)

((bedroom_human_detector.position != []) AND 
    (bedroom_thermometer.temperature < 27.5)
) AND (bedroom_thermostat.state == 0)


Actions are essentially messages to actuators in your setup such as air conditioners, lights or speakers. Each action takes a single line and has the following format:

- entity_name.attribute_name: value

Where object can be a string, number, boolean (true/false), list or dictionary.

- aircondition.temperature: 25
- aircondition.mode: "cool"
- aircondition.power: true


An SmAuto model can use the Metadata concept of the language to define meta-information as below

    name: SimpleHomeAutomation
    version: "0.1.0"
    description: "Simple home automation model."
    author: "klpanagi"
    email: "[email protected]"

The properties of the Metadata concept are:

  • name: The name of the model
  • description: The standard deviation of the attribute buffer
  • author: The variance of the attribute buffer
  • email: The minimum value in the attribute buffer
  • extraAttr: (UNDER DEVELOPMENT): Include user-defined attributes/properties which can be used by M2M and M2T transformations and custom scripts.


RTMonitor is used to define the monitoring parameters of an SmAuto runtime. Compiled Automations are handled by an executor that is also configured to feed runtime information, such as logs and events (automation-related states etc).

    broker: default_broker
    namespace: "smauto.simple_home_auto"
    eventTopic: "event"
    logsTopic: "logs"

The properties of RTMonitor are:

  • broker: Reference to a Broker definition
  • namespace: A namespace used for constructing the URIs (prefix)
  • eventsTopic: Topic to send events
  • logsTopic: Topic to send logs
  • extraAttr: (UNDER DEVELOPMENT): Include user-defined attributes/properties which can be used by M2M and M2T transformations and custom scripts.


The language includes constraints applied to models after initialization. These constraints refer to domain-specific logical rules.

Value and Noise Generators can only be applied to Entities of type "sensor" or 

Actions can only refer Attributes of "actuator" and "robot" Entities.
Only "actuator" and "robot" Attributes can have default values.
The freq property can only be set only for sensor and robot Entities.


➜ smauto --help         
Usage: smauto [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  gen        Generate in Python
  genv       Entities to Code - Generate executable virtual entities
  graph      Graph generator - Generate automation visualization graphs
  validate   Model Validation

Compile Virtual Entities

To compile SmAuto Entity models into Virtual Entities as explained above, use either the CLI or the REST API of the DSL. Furhermore, the compiler (code generator) can be configured to either generate a single Python executable for each Entity definition, or compile into a merged executable (use the --merged/-m flag) that includes all VEntities.

venv [I] ➜ smauto genv
[CLI] Compiled virtual Entity:
[CLI] Compiled virtual Entity:
[CLI] Compiled virtual Entity:
venv [I] ➜ smauto genv -m
[CLI] Compiled virtual Entities:

Compile Automations

To compile SmAuto models into executable Python programs which run the Automations, use either the CLI or the REST API of the DSL.

venv [I] ➜ smauto gen
[CLI] Compiled Automations:

Generate Graphs of Automations (Under Development)

The CLI provides a command for generating visualization graphs of input models. Generated graphs are used for the evaluation of conditions and actions of the defined automation, before performing model execution. The automated creation of graph images is performed in two steps; initially, a M2M transformation is performed on the input SmAuto model and the output is a PlantUML model in textual format. Afterwards, an M2T transformation takes place to transform the PlantUML model into the output diagram


Domain-Specific Language for the definition and execution of automation apps for smart environments.






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