Simple algorithm for check whether a catenary can be found in a environment in such way that it does not collide with obstacles
The code presented here has been tested in Ubuntu 20.04, with ROS Noetic and requires qt5-charts and qt5-widgets libraries. To install them you can use apt-get (tested in Ubuntu 20.04):
sudo apt-get install libqt5charts5-dev libqt5widgets5
Moreover, it requires our wonderful DBScan-line library :
git clone
cd dbscan_line
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To compile it, please clone the repository into the src folder of your favourite catkin_ws. For example:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Then, use a build utility to build the binaries (for example catkin_make).
cd ~/catkin_ws
To run a simple test, make sure that the ROS environment variables are loaded (source the setup.bash file of your catkin workspace) and then simply execute:
rosrun catenary_checker test_catenary_checker