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Tushar Semwal edited this page Oct 15, 2017 · 1 revision


isexist_agent(Agent_name,(IP,Port),Handler)   % The predicate can be used to check the existence of a specific agent in a platform.  %

Agent _name: <atom ?> IP: <atom ?> Port: <integer ?> Handler: <atom ?>


This predicate checks if any agent exists with the name provided within the predicate. If so, it provides details regarding its IP, Port number and handler. The predicate fails otherwise.


?- isexist_agent(agent1,(IP,Port),Handler).

The results are:

?- IP = localhost, 
?- Port = 5658, 
?- Handler = mobileagent. 
?- isexist_agent(agent1,(IP,5658),Handler). 

The results are:

?-IP = localhost, 
?- Handler = mobileagent. 
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