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ck edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

win32 platform

there is a vs project file, under player-win32, named ffplayer.sln.
please install vs2005 (or higher), and open ffplayer.sln to build ffplayer for win32 platform.

android platform

you need install android-sdk and android-ndk.

1. build ffplayer jni library for apk.

under ffplayer\player-android\jni dir, execute build.bat (window) or (ubuntu).

2. build ffplayer apk

under ffplayer\player-android\apk dir, execute build.bat (window).
or using android studio to open the project, to build and debug.

got compile error ?

1. for vs2015 you may got "timespec" : "struct" redefinition compile error.

please modify the pthread.h file in player-win32\pthreads-win32\include, add


at the begin of this file.

2. for vs2015 got "error LINK2026: module unsafe for SAFESEHimage"

please change settings in project configuration:

Configuration Propertiese -> Linker -> Advanced -> Image Has Safe Exception Handlers

set to No (/SAFESEH:NO)