From this project directory, execute the follwing script to install terraform at the version specified in the
~$ ./scripts/
Or execute the following installation commands:
export TERRAFORM_INSTALL_DIR="/usr/local/bin"
wget "${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}" -O /tmp/
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/terraform
sudo unzip /tmp/ -d $TERRAFORM_INSTALL_DIR
sudo chmod +x $TERRAFORM_INSTALL_DIR/terraform
rm /tmp/
First you need to allow terraform access GCP resources. This can be achieved by Service Accounts with corresponding access keys. Within the GCP console tool, gcloud, it can be achieved by issuing the following commands (Note: The terraform service account require owner role to be able to mount the gcp storage, also might already be setup if this is not the initial deployment):
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud config set account [[email protected]]
cd ~/gcp/projects/projX
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gce-terraform-key.json --iam-account=terraform@<your-project-id>
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <your-project-id> \
--member serviceAccount:terraform@<your-project-id> \
--role roles/owner
OR grant via gcp console
After service account is created, login to the GCP console, go to "API & Services", and Credentials. Next, click the Create credentials drop-down list, select Service account key. From the "Create service account key" page, select "terraform" from the Service account list, select JSON as the key type and click Create. This will create and download an API key that will be used by the terraform application to create and access GCP resources. Configure the gcloud command-line tool with the downloaded credentials.
Execute the following script to the GCP project services required by terraform:
~$ ./scripts/
Ensure the terraform service account has read and write access to GCS buckets. Execute the following script to generate a unique Google Cloud Storage bucket name for storing remote state:
~$ ./scripts/
# Example output:
# gs://gcs-bucket_location
Copy the generated bucket URL and use the gsutil tool to create the GCS bucket:
~$ gsutil mb gs://gcs-bucket-location
Next, copy the bucket name (portion after gs://) and set it as the bucket value in the 'remotestate_${UNIQUE}.tf' file:
~$ vi
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "c8389062275c750ca427fcddcb1bb83b608572c5386204e85101-terraform"
prefix = "tfstate/cdh-dev-infrastructure"
project = "my-dev-proj"
See terraform_unique.tfvars.example file
~$ eval $(ssh-agent)
~$ ssh-add /path/to/your/private/key/file
To initialize the GCS backend, first load the contents of the service account key (json) file into the environment variable GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS. Note: this step assumes you have the linux terminal open and located in the directory with the terraform files.
Example of loading service account key file contents to GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable:
tfuser@localhost:~$ export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/gcp/projects/projX/terraform_service_account_key.json)
After the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set, run the terraform init
command. If asked to upload local state, type "no".
After a few seconds, terraform should display message "Terraform has been successfully initialized!". If failures were encountered, troubleshoot as needed until the issue is resolved.
Terraform automatically pushes state to this location after update, and will pull state locally when a refresh is run after init is complete.
~$ export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/gcp/projects/projX/terraform_service_account_key.json)
~$ terraform init
~$ terraform plan
~$ terraform apply
Auto install of CDH package and cluster build is currently ENABLE. Incase you need to manually trigger the install. Follow the command below nad make sure the terraform run completed without error.
1. eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
3. ssh-add <ssh key location>
2. ssh -A to bastion server
2. git clone terraform-hadoop
3. cd terraform-hadoop && ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
Note: Update the group_var variables if needed.