Tsung module for load test in GIS systems
build_scenario.py create a file called 'tsung.xml' in outputdir, and a set of file load as ENTITY in 'tsung.xml' for each action defined in all modules passed as parameter.
Usage :
$ build_scenario.py -o OUTPUT_DIR -m MODULE name
Sample usage :
$ build_scenario.py -o ~/tsung/bench_one/ -m wms -m xyz -m wfs
randomcoord : generate random coordinate
slippymap : convert coord to/from slippy map numbers quad tile
tms : generate urls based on moves on a tile map
wms : Web Mapping Service url generator
To run unit all tests you can do :
$ make dotest
Or for only one module, tms
for example
$ make test $ /usr/bin/erl -noshell -pa ./ebin-test -s eunit test tms_tests -s init stop
The documentation is online at http://tsung-gis.readthedocs.org/