Authenticate your Rocket.Chat users with Django web framework.
This app implements the API used by Rocket.Chat IFrame authentication. Also, it handles logout by wiring up a method on Django signals.
It was tested with Django 2.0.4 and Rocket.Chat 0.62.2. If you have any problems, please open an issue.
Install this app in you project:
pip install django-rocketchat-auth
Add "rocketchat_auth" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'rocketchat_auth', )
Get an Rocket.Chat authentication token, so we can use the API.
Update your
MONGO_DB = 'localhost:27017' # or more verbose (e.g. for Heroku) # MONGO_DB = '<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@<dbhost>:<dbport>/<dbname>?authSource=<dbname>' ROCKETCHAT_URL = 'http://localhost:3000' ROCKETCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN = '<YOUR AUTH TOKEN FROM STEP 3>' ROCKETCHAT_USER_ID = '<YOUR USER ID>' CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ( 'localhost:8000', 'localhost:3000', )
Include the rocketchat_auth URLconf in your project like this:
urlpatterns += [url(r'^rocketchat/', include('rocketchat_auth.urls'))]
Since we will put your Django app into an iframe, we have to setup some security measures that would prevent it from happening:
- Install django-cors-headers and set your Rocket.Chat domain in CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST
- Configure Django's XFrameOptionsMiddleware to exempt your login page for Rocket.Chat requests or disable it (dangerous)
- Configure Django's CsrfViewMiddleware to exempt your login page for Rocket.Chat requests or disable it (dangerous)
- Now go to your Rocket.Chat admin page > Accounts > Iframe:
- Enable Iframe
- Iframe URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/login/?next=/rocketchat/redirect
- URL API: http://localhost:8000/rocketchat/api
- Enforce unique email registration in Django admin, since Rocket.Chat requires this.
- Update Rocket.Chat user details in MongoDB when the user is modified in Django Admin.