Apex Reference Guide | Aura Components Reference Guide
Apex | Soql | Apex with SOQL | Trigger | Apex with Aura | LWC |
Hello World |
Select & From |
Read |
Main order of executions |
Callback |
First steps |
Variables |
Where |
Insert |
Trigger |
Variables |
Math Methods |
Where And |
Update |
Class with Trigger |
Object |
Conditional in variables |
Like |
Delete |
Test |
LWC if |
Conditional |
Order by |
Try Catch |
Onclick |
Loops |
Group by |
@api |
List |
Limit |
Set |
Count Sum Min Max Avg |
Map |
Subquery |
Object |
// Remember to put ";"
System.debug('Hello World!');
// Text
string name = 'Rodrigo';
// Number
integer age = 19;
// Decimal Number
decimal money = 200.90;
// True or False
boolean female = false;
// Date
date birthDate = 17072003;
integer firstNumber = 20, secondNumber = 50;
integer math = firstNumber + secondNumber; // addition
integer math = firstNumber - secondNumber; // subtraction
integer math = firstNumber * secondNumber; // multiplication
integer math = firstNumber / secondNumber; // division
system.debug(--firstNumber); // Decreasing a value first and read the variable last
system.debug(firstNumber--); // Read the variable first and decreasing a value last
system.debug(++firstNumber); // Increasing a value
integer firstNumber = 8, secondNumber = 10, thirdyNumber = 15;
boolean condition = firstNumber > secondNumber; // 8 > 10?
system.debug(condition); // This result is false
boolean otherCondition = firstNumber < secondNumber; // 8 < 10?
system.debug(otherCondition); // This result is true
integer price = 0;
if ( price >= 30 && price <= 50 ) { // if price is between 30 and 50
System.debug('I bought a t-shirts');
} else if ( price > 50 && price <= 80 ) { // if else price is between 51 and 80
System.debug('I bought two t-shirts');
} else if ( price > 90) { if else price is more than 90
System.debug('I ended up leaving');
} else { if price is less 30
System.debug('I havent money');
// loop with a fixed amount of repetitions
// syntax for loop
for (init_stmt; exit_condition; increment_stmt) {
for (integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // one in one
for (integer i = 2; i <= 44; i += 2) { // two in two
// for a infinity repetitions
// syntax while loop
while (condition) {
integer z = 0; // declaring variable out of loop
while (z <= 10) { // one in one
while (z <= 40) { // four in four
z += 4;
//syntax do while loop
do {
} while (condition);
integer x = 0;
do { // one in one
} while (x <= 5);
do { // two in two
x += 2;
} while (x <= 12);
List<string> persons = new List<string>();
List<integer> listNumber = new List<integer> {
8, 12, 27, 34, 41, 49
List<string> persons = new string[5]; // Set 5 values at default
persons.add(0, 'Rodrigo'); // Adding a new index with string value
persons.set(1, 'Nicolas'); // Seting a string value at second index
persons[2] = 'Robert'; // Another method to set a new value
System.debug(persons); // Will be return (Rodrigo, Nicolas, Robert, null, null, null)
// Will be sort by smallest (1 - 10) (A - Z)
Set<Integer> listNumber = new Set<Integer> {
12, 12, 32, 312, 3627189, 2
system.debug(listNumber); // Will be return 2, 12, 32, 312, 3627189
Map<string, string> colorCodes = new Map<string, string>(); // Declares variable
colorCodes.put('Light Blue', '#6FA4F2'); // Seting two values
colorCodes.put('Light Purple', '#884FBD'); // Seting others two values
System.debug(colorCodes); // Will be return {Light Blue=#6FA4F2, Light Purple=#884FBD}
String code = colorCodes.get('Light Blue');
System.debug(code); // Will be return #6FA4F2
// Creating a new object
public class Person {
public string name;
public string lastName;
public integer age;
// Creating a new Person
Person firstPerson = new Person();
firstPerson.name = 'Rodrigo';
firstPerson.lastName = 'Araujo';
firstPerson.age = 19;
system.debug(firstPerson); // Will be return |DEBUG|Person:[age=19, lastName=Araujo, name=Rodrigo]
// Functions inside the object
public class Person {
// code block
// At now Let's create it as null as we don't need it to return anything!
public void speak() {
// Simple calc
public class Calculator {
// Notice that now I didn't put void, but integer, that's because now I need it to return something!
// And in this case, we need pass the params.
public Integer addition(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
Integer result = firstValue + secondValue;
// Return me the result
return result;
// IMPORTANT!!!!!!!
// Note: Under the result, nothing else will be executed
// Object with conditional
public Integer division(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
if (secondValue == 0) {
system.debug('Cant divide by zero!');
return 0;
} else {
return firstValue / secondValue;
Calculator newCalc = new Calculator();
Integer firstResult = newCalc.division(122, 0); // Will be return |DEBUG|Can't divide by zero!
// Because good practice to your system
// from now on we create methods using the *static*
// this will make your system much faster.
public class newCalc {
public static void add(Integer n1, Integer n2) {
integer result = n1 + n2;
newCalc.add(5, 10);
// Batch Apex is used to run large jobs
// (think thousands or millions of records!)
// that would exceed normal processing limits.
public class MyBatchClass implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
public (Database.QueryLocator | Iterable<sObject>) start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
// collect the batches of records or objects to be passed to execute
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<P> records){
// process each batch of records
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){
// execute any post-processing operations
// SOQL is used to search, change, delete, insert your org records.
// Now we will do a simple data search
// Select for me, the records from the Id, Name and Phone fields.
// From the Account object
// Will be return all the records I requested above
SELECT Id, Name, Phone
FROM Account
SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name, Account.Id
FROM Contact
// Now we will use where
// It is very simple, it adds a filtering system for us
SELECT Id, Name, Phone
FROM Account
WHERE AnnualRevenue > 1000
// Use the AND when you need use more than one WHERE
SELECT Id, Name, Vip__c, AnnualRevenue
FROM Account
WHERE Vip__c = true
AND AnnualRevenue > 500
// Here, I will search for an Account that has Rodrigo using the like
// %Rodrigo - Ends with Rodrigo
// Rodrigo% - Starts with Rodrigo
// %Rodrigo% - Have Rodrigo
FROM Account
WHERE Name LIKE '%Rodrigo'
// Order by is used to literally Order by Asc or Desc
// Asc - lowest => highest
SELECT Name, ValorDespesa__c
FROM Despesa__c
ORDER BY ValorDespesa__c Desc
// Group duplicate records
// HAVING - Groups filter
FROM Opportunity
// Limits my query to 10 records
FROM Account
SELECT Account.Name, COUNT(Id), SUM(Amount), MAX(Amount), MIN(Amount), AVG(Amount)
FROM Opportunity
GROUP BY Account.Name
// Selecting a new query, inside a query
SELECT Id, Name,
(SELECT Id, Amount
FROM Opportunities)
FROM Account
List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
// With query (To filter the list )
List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue < 100];
// Whitout query
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
for(Account item : lstAccount) {
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Nome Xpto';
insert lstAccount;
// With query (To filter the list )
List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue < 100];
// Whitout query
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
for(Account item : lstAccount) {
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Nome Xpto';
update lstAccount;
// With query to filter the list
List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue < 100];
// When account have AnnualRevenue < 100, delete the record
delete lstAccount;
Try Catch 👉 Exception Class
try {
// Code block
} catch(Exception type) { // Error case
// Code block
try {
integer calc = 10/0;
system.debug('🟣 Calc done successfully: ' + calc);
} catch(MathException CalcError) {
system.debug('🔴 Error in calc!');
// Trigger structure
trigger TriggerName on ObjectName(time) {
// Code block
// Now we will create a real trigger
// After save, active the trigger
trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity(before insert) {
System.debug('actived trigger');
// Class File (LeadHandler.cls)
public class LeadHandler {
// Methods to before triggers
public static void leadBefore(List<Lead> listLead) {
// Phone and Cellphone fields validation
for(Lead itemLead : listLead) {
if(itemLead.Phone == null && itemLead.MobilePhone == null) {
itemLead.addError('Preencha o campo Telefone');
// CPF field validation
for(Lead itemLead : listLead) {
if(itemLead.CPF__c == null) {
itemLead.addError('Preencha o campo CPF');
// Sets "small company" when entering condition
for(Lead itemLead: listLead) {
if(itemLead.NumberOfEmployees < 1000) {
itemLead.TamanhoEmpresa__c = 'Empresa pequena';
// Methods to after triggers
public static void leadAfter(List<Lead> listLead) {
// When Annual Revenue > 50000 Create new Task
List<Task> lstTaskInsert = new List<Task>();
for(Lead itemLead: listLead) {
if(itemLead.AnnualRevenue > 50000) {
Task newTask = new Task();
newTask.subject = 'Create new task';
} // insert lstTaskInsert;
// Will be inserted outside the For for good practices
// If lstTaskInsert isn't empty insert the task
if(!lstTaskInsert.isEmpty()) {
insert lstTaskInsert;
// Creating a trigger and put the times
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead(before insert, before update, after insert, after update) {
if(Trigger.isBefore) { // Time when this method will be function
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
LeadHandler.leadBefore(Trigger.new); // Executing the method
} else if(Trigger.isUpdate) {
} else if(Trigger.isAfter) {
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
} else if(Trigger.isUpdate) {}
// Calculator.cls
public class Calculator {
public static Integer addition(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
Integer result = firstValue + secondValue;
return result;
public static Integer subtract(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
Integer result = firstValue - secondValue;
return result;
public static Integer multiplication(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
Integer result = firstValue * secondValue;
return result;
public static Integer division(Integer firstValue, Integer secondValue) {
if (secondValue == 0) {
system.debug('Não pode dividir por 0');
return 0;
} else {
return firstValue / secondValue;
// CalculatorTest.cls
// Now, we will test the code.
// In the other file, let's create another class
// To see if the code is working
public class CalculatorTest {
@isTest public static void testAddMethod() {
Integer result = Calculator.addition(1, 1);
system.assert(result == 2, '🔴 Unexpected result');
@isTest public static void testSubtractMethod() {
Integer result = Calculator.subtract(12, 2);
system.assertEquals(10, result, '🔴 Unexpected result');
@isTest public static void testMultiplicationMethod() {
Integer result = Calculator.multiplication(2, 2);
system.assert(result == 4, '🔴 Unexpected result');
// IF ELSE Division
@isTest public static void testDivisionMethod() {
Integer result = Calculator.division(10, 2);
system.assert(result == 5, '🔴 Unexpected result');
@isTest public static void testDivisionByZeroMethod() {
Integer result = Calculator.division(10, 0);
system.assert(result == 0, '🔴 Unexpected result');
// Yet the return doesn't "return" anything
// but now using the aura we will go change that
// Apex Class
public class OpportunityC {
@AuraEnabled // This is placed here to we can use on Aura and on LWC
public static List<Opportunity> getOpportunitiesNV() {
return [SELECT Name, Amount, StageName, CloseDate
FROM Opportunity
WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won'
Order By createdDate DESC LIMIT 5];
// In the aura:component we used the controller to
// We can use the class we created above
<aura:component controller="OpportunityC" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" >
// And here is a attribute
<aura:attribute name="opps" type="Opportunity[]" />
// Now we'll joke with lifecycle
// Name => When the component start
// Value => On this aura component
// Action => Execute my function doInit()
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />
// This is a simple card with a default configurations, nothing special
<lightning:card iconName="standard:opportunity" title="Oportunidades fechadas">
<div class="slds-p-arround_medium">
// Controller.js
// Component => Allows access the aura component
// Event => Allows access the javascript
// Helper => Allows access the helper functions
doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
// Helper.js
// Is important the helper also can manipulate the component
getOpportunities : function(component) {
console.log('Estou sendo no helper - Invocação do Yrra =D');
// Using the Apex OpportunityC class's method
// like a attribute's component
let action = component.get('c.getOpportunitiesNV');
// After execute the apex method (Call the data)
// Verify the answer of the server (SUCCESS - ERROR - INCOMPLETE)
action.setCallback(this, (response) => {
// Receive a answer
let state = response.getState();
if(state == "SUCCESS") { // Verify if the answer is SUCCESS
// Assign the value to opps
component.set("v.opps", response.getReturnValue());
// Execute the function
// Without it we'll never get an answer
<!-- Aura Component -->
<lightning:card iconName="standard:opportunity" title="Oportunidades fechadas">
<div class="slds-p-arround_medium">
<!-- aura:interaion receives the list of opportunities -->
<!-- this var is for to refs the files -->
<aura:iteration items="{!v.opps}" var="opp">
<!-- Here we're executing all the -->
<!-- opportunities inside the list -->
<!-- but only their name -->
🤖 documentation
<!-- app.html -->
LWC is literally html css and javascript
but with some small differences
NOTE: The file name is equal at the component,
only change the extension file - EX: app.html app.css app.html
<!-- template is your tag main, all your html is placed here -->
<!-- code block -->
// app.js
// Here your js, hi's like a React
import { LightningElement } from "lwc"; // You need import that to use lwc, else he will be return error
// Here we creating a class with a some props
// Export is used to we can literally export the class
// Default Class is a default configurations that the LWC available to us
// App is our class name => NOTE: Important his name is equal our file name
// extends LightningElement we're using the import on the first line
export default class App extends LightningElement {
// code block
// app.js
// Here we'll learn a "new" method to declare variable
name = 'Rodrigo';
age = 19
// Yes, only this! Now we'll run that in the html
<!-- app.html -->
<!-- No comments -->
// app.js
// Here we'll work with a object
person = {
name: 'Rodrigo',
age: 19
} // And let's run that in the html
<!-- app.html -->
<!-- {objectName.variableName} -->
<!-- app.html -->
<!-- We're speaking => If the variable "visible" is true, run that -->
<template if:true={visible}>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<!-- But where's the variable "visible" -->
<!-- We're go create she now in the javascript -->
// app.js
// Creating the variable
visible = true
// app.js
visible = true
// Here we'll create a function to use in a button
click() { // This is a simples javascript code, but is a good example
this.visible = !this.visible
<!-- app.html -->
<!-- We're speaking => If the variable "visible" is true, run that -->
<template if:true={visible}>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<!-- Now I create this button upon receiving that the function we created -->
<lightning-button label="Magic Destruction" onclick={click} class="slds-p-around_medium"></lightning-button>
// person.js
// Ok, now I created a new file, and I named product.html product.js
// Important to import the api in this case
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
export default class Person extends LightningElement {
// @api Is used to we can change this data in html
@api name = 'Rodrigo Araujo'
@api age = 19
<!-- person.html -->
<!-- After that, we execute those variables with @api -->
<h1>Name: {name}</h1>
<h3>Age: {age}</h3>
<!-- app.html -->
<div class="slds-p-around_x-large">
<!-- c-person is a tag to we can import our data in the -->
<!-- person component -->
<!-- Notice here I can change the data! -->
<c-person name="Yrra Doe" age="22"></c-person>