Test SPD implementation for mujoco from Stable proportional-derivative controllers DOI: 10.1109/MCG.2011.30
Fixed based robot SPD in simple_spd.py
Simple P controller with joint damping in simple_position.py
Shape error at higher DOFs error_spd.py
Works with extra free bodies added to the sim: static_implementation.py
[stable at timestep = 0.1s]
Current: Let robot have free link - final_implementation_spd.py
is spd a good strategy?: depends on the kp and kd tuning
TODO: Reduce variable creation TODO: ball joints (also free joints?)
SPD Low timestep(0.005s) | SPD High timestep(0.05s) |
mujoco_spd_low_time_step.mp4 |
mujoco_spd_high_time_step.16-12-08.mp4 |
Simple P Low timestep(0.005s) | Simple P High timestep(0.05s) |
mujoco_simple_p_low_timestep.mp4 |
mujoco_simple_p_high_timestep.16-11-51.mp4 |
uses pybullet for easy gui based sliders