released this
31 Mar 15:58
[1.18.0] - 2023-03-30
Footer to all pages. #1044
Input validation for contribute create page. #1103
UI for capability view page. #1034
Updated footer UI. #1036
UI changes to top navigation bar. #1040
UI for talent view page. #1060
UI changes for contribution details page. #1041
Catalog home page UI. #1063
CODEOWNERS file to include CHANGELOG. #1059
Create contribution page UI. #1065
Review block in contribution details page. #1066
Rearranged divs in contribute page. #1079
Element stylings in contribute page. #1087
Cryptography version bump for contributions. #1089
Cryptography version bump for appconfigservice. #1089
Catalog home page card alignment. #1084
Updated button styles to match design. #1085
Update werkzeug version in catalog. #1099
Custom dropdown menu style. #1090
Fill footer at the bottom of pages. #1092
Contribute form field labels and placeholders. #1102
Wordings of view pages. #1069
Detect secrets GitHub action build error and updated baseline. #1077
Overlapping divs in catalog contribute create page. #1054
You can’t perform that action at this time.