The script retrieve all informations in one shot and send it to zabbix server/proxy in json.
Discovery all servers in RDS collections. Checks if the server(s) are draining (not allowed connections) and activate the trigger.
Retrieve informations about Collections :
- Use NLA for connection
- Automatic reconnection
- Redirection for the following entities
- Use the client's default print device
- Allow printer redirection
- Encryption level
- New connection allowed
- Relative weight
- Security layer
- Delete temporary folders on exit
- AD group RDS connection
- Status UPD
Check service state (disable it if you already use Template for discovery all windows services) :
- RemoteApp Connections Administration and Remote Desktop Services
- Internal Windows database (WID)
- Service Broker for remote desktop connections
-- Setup --
- Install the Zabbix Agent2 (ajust script if you use classique zabbix_agentd) on your host
- Copy zabbix_broker.ps1 in the directory : "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent2\scripts" (create folder if not exist or ajust script)
- Add the following line to your Zabbix agent configuration file.[*]
if you use agent2 or EnableRemoteCommands=1 with zabbixAgentd (or create userparameter and change zabbix item "Start Broker Job")- UnsafeUserParameters=1 (probably not necessary)
- ServerActive="IP or DNS Zabbix Server"
- Import Template_App_Windows_Broker.yaml file into Zabbix.
- Associate "Template App Windows Broker" to the host.
Template is in FRENCH.
Template for zabbix 5.4.10 (please modify template for work on older versions)