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Styling Axes

Roman Baitaliuk edited this page May 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

You can set labelsColor, ticksColor and ticksDash for both axes.

self.config.xAxis.labelsColor = .gray
self.config.xAxis.ticksColor = .gray
self.config.xAxis.ticksStyle = StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1.5, lineCap: .round, dash: [2, 4])

y- Axis

You can define custom value formatter if you want to format y- values.

self.config.yAxis.formatter = { (value, decimals) in
    let format = value == 0 ? "" : "b"
    return String(format: "%.\(decimals)f\(format)", value)

Also, there is minTicksSpacing property which defines minimum spacing between the ticks in pixels.

self.config.yAxis.minTicksSpacing = 30.0

x- Axis

You can set horizontal ticksInterval to increase spacing between the bars. For example, if you need to show quarterly earnings by year.

self.config.xAxis.ticksInterval = 4

Note: x- axis handles labels overlapping itself by incrementing interval by 1 until all labels are fitted.

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